Chapter 11 - Emma

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I twist my body under the bed sheets, my hand hitting something hard. It takes a second to understand that my hand is on someone's arm. I quickly push myself up and notice Andrew sleeping beside me.

Last night he told me I could sleep in his room while he took the couch. I protested but he wouldn't hear me out. I trust him though beside me, it's kind of hard not to when you tell someone you love them. Yet I still don't know what he's doing here.

Andrew turns and then he opens his eyes as he watches me. Realisation sets in and he pushed himself up. "It's not what you think."

I want to tell him that it's okay and that I don't care but the look on his face is priceless. He's genuinely concerned that I might think bad of this situation. "It's just that you were screaming in your sleep last night and when I tried to calm you down you wouldn't let my hand go."

I smile. "It's okay, I don't mind sharing a bed," I say. "Unless you have a problem."

Andrew watches me for a second before smiling and running a hand through his hair. When he does that, his biceps almost explode from his shirt. I know I shouldn't stare but I can't help it and by the looks of it, Andrew has already spotted me looking at him.

He wraps his arm around my hip and pulls my body against his. The heat radiating off his body sends a ray of warmth amongst mine. "You okay?"

I nod. "I should probably stay indoor for a few days because dad is here and I don't want him to spot me."

Andrew nods. "So what is he going to do when he realises you're not with Lucy?"

I shake my head in confusion. "I don't know but I imagine it's not good," I say. "Did you hide my car?"

"Locked in the garage. He won't be able to see it even if he drives past."

I smile. "Thank you," I say as I place my head against his chest.

"Tell me," he says. "Do I have to hide too considering your mum saw me?"

My body goes rigid. I totally forgot that mum saw him. She'll know what he looks like. "Dammit," I say crawling in a ball against the bed.

Andrew holds a hand out for me and rubs my shoulder. "Don't worry about it," he says. "I can take care of myself."

"No, you don't understand," I say looking him right in the eye. "You can't step out."

"Okay, I won't," he says kissing my forehead. "I'll just go to work and back. It's just around the corner so I should be fine."

I want to tell him he can't even do that but I can't make him change his whole life for my sake.

I get up and have a shower. The water is lukewarm but I don't tell him that. I'm usually used to hot but this is his house and the fact that im here should mean I'm thankful.

After I have a shower, Andrew goes in to have a shower while I walk into the kitchen. There's only some egg, milk, flour and sugar. Enough to make pancakes I think. I take a pan out and spray it with oil as I make the batter. Seeing his kitchen and fridge this empty makes me realise the condition he lives in. I need to help him out, it's only fair.

A whistle pulls me out of focus to notice it's Andrew standing by the kitchen door. He walks up to me, standing behind me as he wraps his arms around me. "Is there anything you can't do?" He asks as he kisses my cheek.

I laugh. "Surf, apparently."

Andrew's kitchen is a bit bigger than grandma's. In fact overall it's bigger than grandma's but it's still quite small compared to the houses in Williams Square. The kitchen is a boring light brown with white tiles. It's not as colourful as grandma's but it does the trick.

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