Chapter 10 - Andrew

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I look down at the local newspaper, although I'm skimming the paper my eyes are actually on the door. She'll be here any minute now.

I bring the cup of coffee to my lips and take a sip. She's five minutes late. She told me she's be here at ten in the morning and it's five minutes past ten currently.

"Anything else, lovely?" Gabby asks.

I shake my head. "No, this is fine. Thanks anyways Gabby."

Gabby smiles at me and nods before heading back to the counter. Gabby is overprotective of me. She doesn't have a child of her own and since I can remember, even when my parents were around, she always treated me like her own son. She was the one who held a funeral for my parents when they passed away.

I look at the clock on the wall, it's now fifteen minutes past. I don't know if Emma will come or I should just leave. When I ring her there's no answer and after leaving her a few voicemails I assume she must've gotten caught up with something else.

I kick the gravel on the floor by the side of the cafe when I leave while Gabby waves goodbye. I decide to text her but just like ringing her I get no response.

A panic arises in me. Perhaps she's not okay, or maybe something has happened. The urge to run to her house and ensure she's okay overfills me but I don't want to scare her or intrude on that. Wouldn't want to overstep my boundaries.

My phone rings and I pick it up. "Hello."

"Hello Andrew, dear. It's Lucy."

My heart stops. Why is she ringing unless it has something to do with Emma. "Hey Lucy, so good to hear from you. Is everything okay?"

"I need your help," she says and I notice the panic in her voice. "I need you to take Emma over to your place for a few days."

Something is wrong. Very wrong or else she wouldn't have said that. "What's wrong?"

"I can't explain over the phone but I need you to take care of Emma for a bit. I know you're struggling to take care of yourself but please do me this favour," Lucy says in devastation. "She can't stay with me."

"Okay Lucy," I say. "But slow down. What has happened?"

"I have to hang up. Meet by the beach," is all she says before she hangs up.

My head spins not giving me enough time to contemplate what could have possibly went wrong. Emma needs my help and it would be wrong to back down now. I just don't want her to see where I live because it'll be a disappointment to her and nor do I want her to see how I live but mostly I just don't want her to go through what I go through because she deserves better. She's seen where I've lived but she's never seen the inside. From the outside my home cozy and is a decent size but from the inside its a mess. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of her.

I get in my car and drive straight to the beach where I notice Emma's Porsche and Lucy waiting by the side of it.

I park by the side and jog to Lucy. "Everything okay?"

Lucy squeezes my hand. "I knew I could count on you," she says. "Her parents have found something out and are trying to ruin her life. They're coming home in a bit and I need you to take her before they come."

The words set in and I take a step back. "I can't take her away from her parents. That wouldn't be right."

That's when the door to the Porsche opens and Emma gets out. "I know we're asking a lot from you but please understand. My parents won't get it, not until they control me and my life."

When a tear slips down her face, I know what I have to do. "It's okay," I say. "I'll do it."

Lucy pulls me in a hug. "She loves you. It'll take time for her to admit it but once she does, make sure she never forgets it."

Enticing Disasterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें