Chapter 7 - Emma

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Tonight's the night. The night of the fair. It starts in an hour and grandma is just getting ready to leave. She's volunteering to help with the rides. The Ferris wheel to be precise.

I feel bad for telling grandma I'm going to be staying home and I'm also worried that perhaps she'll see me at the fair because she'll be there. I guess I'll just have to avoid the Ferris wheel.

"Are you sure you don't want to join me, dear?" Grandma asks.

I shake my head no. "I'm fine, grandma."

She frowns and then turns towards the door, stopping just as she gets to it. "Andrew might be there."

I give her a questioning look. "So?"

She nods and walks away. I feel bad that I'm lying to her but I can't exactly tell her what's going on between Andrew and I if I don't know so myself. I actually don't have a clue. Do we just like each other? Are we dating? Is tonight a date?

I don't know and I can't say a thing until I do. Mum and dad are not going to be pleased about this. Back in Williams Square they tried setting me up to Wesley. He belonged to one of the richest families there. Obviously my family was one of the other richest families there but dad loved Wesley. In his eyes, Wesley could do nothing wrong but I knew. He was a total flirt and was seen with a new girl everyday. Of course dad never saw this because Wesley made sure dad didn't. He was always trying to impress my dad and my dad was impressed. I, on the other hand was not. My parents would take one look at Andrew and shake their heads. He dresses well, I actually really like it but dad would look at the size of his wallet or how much his pants were worth and make a decision based on that. Sure Wesley walked around with a Rolex watch and his shoes alone were around five thousand dollars but he wasn't like Andrew. No one was.

I head upstairs and get changed into denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I tie the shoelaces to my white sneakers and head downstairs. Andrew would be here any minute.

The knock on the door probably means Andrew is here. I rush to the door, look down at my clothes, straighten my shirt with my hand and then open the door.

"Hey," Andrew says. "You look gorgeous."

I smile in an attempt to hide the blush that's coming on. It's a small compliment and I've heard it a million times before but I only seem to blush when he says it. "Thank you."

He reaches his hand out and I grab it as we walk across the street where he's parked his car. I usually wouldn't want to be seen in a car like this but I honestly don't care. It's odd for me to say that but I don't care.

We make small conversations about our hobbies, Algard, animals and even life back at Williams Square although talking to him about Williams Square has made me realise I don't have much to say because life was the same everyday there. Algard is different, you don't know what tomorrow brings and no two days are the same. I was tired of the same old day where you woke up, went to work or school, came home and went to sleep only to repeat the same thing tomorrow.

I had just graduated University when I came here and dad insisted this was the kind of break I needed, although he told me not to get too attached. I remember I laughed and told him he had nothing to worry about because this place was trash. Well I was wrong. It's not. It's much better and the more I think of Williams Square while living here, the more I realise how amazing this place is. Sure the houses in Williams Square are about ten times bigger than the houses here and that everyone's wallets are full and every small cafe is so much bigger than a cafe here but there's a warm, cosy feeling here that I don't get there.

Everyone is stressed there and everyone seems relaxed here like they're living a day at a time. People actually know each other in Algard. In Williams Square, most people don't even know their neighbours let alone say hello when they see them outside.

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