Episode 13 -The Matter At Hand

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Seto and Yami both rushed to her side when she was struck. Marik stood above, in dominance.

"She'll be fine," Marik informed "If you duel me, that is."

"Kaiba?" Yami stated "Take her back to your house. I have some unfinished business to attend to here." Seto picked her up and rushed out of the room, followed by Tristan. Joey stayed with Yami.

"This is my fault," Seto cried, getting her into the limo and driving towards his house "I never should have brought her to Domino. As soon as she is better, I'm going to take her home. It's to dangerous here and I can't be with her every second."

"Nonsence, Kaiba," Téa insisted "She was in no real danger and we all know that. Yugi told us that she was emitting a powerful force ever since she stepped foot in Domino. She's powerful enough to stay out of harm's way." Half way back to the mansion, Anna-Beth's eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Where am I?" she muttered trying to get more comfortable. Seto wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. A few lone tears trickled down his face.

"I was so worried about you," he said. Anna-Beth smiled and hugged him back.

"I'm fine now," she assured "I didn't want to have to put you though this. I'm really sorry."

"Put me though this?" he questioned "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have even been captured in the first place."

"No, no, no," she stopped, pinching his lips shut "That's not true. You've been nothing but good to me, Seto. I'd want nothing more than to stay with you." The edge of his lip curled up and Anna-Beth let go of him.

"Hmm," he muttered. She brought her mouth to his own and they kissed. Seto pulled her into his lap, pissing off the driver. (Kaiba Corp. drivers are very picky about the law).He ran his finger up her back. She shook her head before resting it on his chest. Seto took off his jacket and wrapped around her dozing figure.

"Didn't you have a ton of work to get done today, Kaiba?" Tristan asked.

"That's none of your concern," Seto snapped.

"Yet, somehow, it's her's?" Duke questioned.

"She's got more of a right than you, pal," Tristan reminded.

"Shut up, Tristan," Duke growled "Nobody asked you."

"In actuality," Tristan pointed out "I was the one who started the whole conversation."

"And I'm ending it," Seto interrupted "If either one of you say one more thing I'm going to wake up Anna-Beth and blame you two for it."

"Have you ever done that before?" Tristan demanded.

"It doesn't matter," Téa explained "Any woman who is woken up for any reason will be angry."

"Any reason?" Seto questioned.

"Are you questioning me?" Téa asked.

"Yes," he smirked, twirling a strand of her hair "I'm pretty sure I know a way to wake her up without making her upset."

"And how's that, Kaiba?" Téa grumbled.

"Chocolate," Seto replied, simply, as if it was obvious. Duke perked up at that.

"Don't get any ideas, lover-boy," Tristan said. Duke was about to make a come back but one stern look from Seto silenced him. They remained silent for the rest of the ride. Mokuba rushed up to the limo as soon as it pulled up. Seto had insisted that he stay home for his own safety and he was eager to know what happened.

"Where are the kids?" Seto asked. He was carrying a sleeping Anna-Beth in his arms, still with his coat wrapped around her. The tails of the coat where long enough to billow to the ground.

"Harrison and Alexandria are watching TV," Mokuba replied "And Turner's napping."

"Good work, Mokie," Seto praised, halfmindedly. Mokuba's eyes widened and he was at a loss for words when Seto said that. After a minute of silence, Seto looked up from Anna-Beth and saw Mokuba's surprised expression.

"I don't want her to ever leave," Mokuba wished "Promise she can stay here forever, Big Bro. Please?" Seto saw the pleading in his eyes.

"I can't promise that, Mokuba," Seto reminded "She has a life of her own to live and besides, it's to dangerous for her here, in Domino. I'm taking her home tonight after I get back from work."

"You're just going back to work?" Mokuba demanded.

"Not quite," Seto replied "Rowland will be keeping watch over you and the children."

"What about her?" Mokuba asked.

"I'm taking her back to the office with me," Seto explained "I'd rather keep an eye on her."

"What was the point of getting her out of the car then, Big Brother?" Mokuba inquired.

"We won't be taking the limo back to the office, Mokuba," Seto answered "It's not fast enough." Mokuba nodded and Seto continued towards the house, leaving Mokuba and his friends behind.

Seto took the elevator up to the roof and climbed in the helicopter, already running. They were off within seconds and started towards Kaiba Tower.

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