Episode 3 - The Pegasus Duel

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"I summon three Blue-Eyes White Dragons," Seto exclaimed, figuring he had this duel won.

"And I use Last Chance which allows me to give any one of the monsters in my hand to come out and be used in attack mode and I choose Obelisk the Tormentor and because I have both Slifer the Executive Producer and Mega Ultra Chicken, I can sacrifice them into my graveyard and give Obelisk unlimited attack strength," Zalia said, looking in another direction like that was more interesting than the current situation "I believe you just lost, Kaiba, Dear."

"How...?" he managed "Did you beat me?"

"You were right to be scared, Kaiba-Boy," Pegasus laughed "She knows how to beat you without screwing the rules."

"She has no money and thus, she is unable to screw the rules," Seto clarified. Zalia quickly changed back into Anna-Beth.

"Seto," she mumbled, weakly "I don't feel well." He rushed over, concerned and caught her at the last possible second.

"Anna-Beth? Anna-Beth?! ANNA-BETH?!?!" Seto cried "Speak to me."

"She's almost completed her task, Seto," Anna-Beth mumbled "She won't stop at anything to beat Yugi. He says he plays by the rules. Have you ever wondered why it all started?" She went limp in his arms.

"What?" Seto paused. Pegasus put a hand on his shoulder.

"She's the reason," he continued "Yami lost everything when he played dishonestly. He vowed he would change his ways, hoping that his wife would someday realise he wasn't completely hopeless but, Zalia was devastated because she didn't know he had changed. She grew colder with each passing moment. Kura, as she calls him, used her to get revenge on the Pharaoh. Yami and Zalia were made for one another but his one mistake and the pressure of the outside world ruined them. The old Zalia, the one before she was betrayed, is still in there but Yami is the only one who can bring her out. If, for any reason, she gets a glimpse of the Yami she fell in love with, she can't help but loose her power. He doesn't remember it because he was devastated when Zalia poisoned herself to escape the life she had been forced into."

"How do you know all of this?" Seto inquired.

"My millennium eye allows me to read into people's minds. Zalia's was difficult but I learned as much as she thinks she knows. I couldn't help myself," he admitted "I could read into Annie-Dear's too, Kaiba-Boy. Don't you want to know if you're a part of it?" Seto looked to her face for a moment.

"I-I-I," Seto searched.

"It won't hurt her, Kaiba-Boy," Pegasus informed "And I'm going to do it sooner or later so, I think it's best if you at least know what it is that I know about her." Seto nodded and Pegasus relieved his millennium eye as a sparkle of light flashed across it.

"Her mind is so simple to see," he laughed "You are there Kaiba-Boy but not as you might like to be, you see, she considers you a obstacle. It's quite funny really."

"How long will she be out?" Mokuba inquired.

"However long it takes Zalia to come to terms with herself," Seto replied "But in the meantime, Jaske! How would you like to duel me?"


Didja like that episode? DIDJA? DIDJA? DIDJA?

Anyways, some important things I need established.

1. I have created a shipping name for the following:

- SetoxAnna-Beth (Concealshipping)

- ZaliaxYami (Forgottenshipping)

2. Pie is awesome.

That's about it. Please keep looking for more episodes because you all love them so much.

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