Episode 2 - Kaiba's City

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Jaske, Mokuba, Seto and Anna-Beth were all positioned inside a helicopter.

Jaske and Mokuba on one side and Seto and Anna-Beth on the other.

"How did you come upon your millennium earrings?" Seto asked her.

"My friend, Miaann, moved one time before she went back to California," she explained "The people who had lived there before them had been Egyptian and had a bunch of cool stuff. The earrings were just one of those things that I saw, liked and took for myself."

"Why don't you get rid of them if they just add another person to your load?" he inquired.

"Zalia is a sly being," Anna-Beth informed "She would use the last of her will power if it meant she could get back at Yami and the thief who turned her in. If I didn't let her use me, I'm afraid she just might try and destroy to many inisent lives."

"We are here, Mr. Kaiba, Sir," the pilot called from the pit.

"Ya, ya," Seto growled, annoyed.

"Hey, Big Brother?" Mokuba asked.

"What is it, Mokuba?" Seto questioned.

"Do you think Yugi and his friends are there?" he inquired. Before the helicopter could land, a trading card came slicing through the wall. Seto quickly pulled Anna-Beth into his lap so she could avoid the flying object. Jaske and Mokuba ducked and it barely missed the top of their heads.

"I think that would be a yes," Seto informed, holding Anna-Beth closer to himself. The helicopter landed and the door was broken down by Joey. Following him was Tristan, Duke, Serenity, Tea and, finally, Yami.

"Finally pick up a girl, Seto?" he laughed, taking in the scene in front of him. Anna-Beth's earrings sparkled and she transformed. Nobody except Seto and Jaske saw it occur.

"No," Seto whispered in her ear "Not now." Zalia's eyes narrowed but she said nothing.

"Did you like my greeting?" Yami inquired, taking back his card from the far wall where it stuck "I actually found some use in this crappy little Blue-Eyes that I won from you." Yami showed off the card and laughed when Seto tightened his grip on Zalia, making her squirm.

"Now who are you, Miss?" Yami inquired, leaning down and sightly lifting her head with his thumb and index finger so he could see into her eyes. As soon as he did, Zalia stopped struggling in Seto's grip.

"I..." she murmured. He looked away from her and to Seto. The struggling immediately came back.

"What is her name?" Yami demanded. Seto simply growled.

"I may be mistaken," Yami said "But I'm pretty sure that's not her name, Kaiba. Let me ask you again."

"Her name is Anna-Beth Coffmon," Seto informed "And that's her brother, Jaske Kreek." Yami turned around to look at Jaske and Zalia broke free of Seto's grip and was about to attack him when Anna-Beth took control of her body again. Yami spun around was face to face with her.

"Um..." she stammered "Hi?"

"Hello," he replied. Seto stood up and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"What exactly do you want, Yugi?" he demanded.

"I'll take that girl," Yami compromised.

"Keep your eyes in their sockets," Seto hissed. He pulled Anna-Beth closer to his side and she dug her face into his chest.

"I don't think you have as much experience with ladies, Kaiba," he repsonded.

"We aren't together," Anna-Beth imput.

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