Let the Angels Commit

Start from the beginning

"Meaning one of us." I sighed.

"Karev, you free?" Sloan asked as he came down the hallway on his phone.

"Absolutely, sir." Alex nodded.

"Great, take this." Sloan handed him his phone. "I'm on hold with the DMV. Some mix-up about switching my license and registration to Seattle. Take care of that for me?"

"Thanks for thinking of me, sir." Alex muttered under his breath as Sloan walked away, being replaced by George. "O'Malley, how's it feel to be the new gynie grunt?"

"Oh, I got a patient who was born with and is pregnant in two uteruses." George informed us, causing us both to look at him. "Two uteruses. Jealous?"

"No. No, I'm- I'm- I'm busy. I'm on hold." Alex shook his head. "Yeah, important business. For Sloan."

"Right, it's super important, I'm sure." George nodded before he looked over to me. "Dr. Montgomery asked for you, she wants you on the case too."

"Sweet." I grinned as he walked away, leaving Alex and I alone once more.

"Did I just hear him say "two uteruses"?" A woman asked as she came over to us. 

"I'm sorry." Alex frowned at her. "You must be...."

"Nancy-Pants?" We all turned to see Sloan looking at the woman in surprise. 

"Hey, loser." The woman smiled as she walked over to him, giving him a hug.

"I wish Derek had told me you were coming to visit." Sloan hugged her back. 

"Oh, like he tells you anything these days." The woman scoffed.

"Yeah, well, I'm working on that." Sloan said, causing me to bite back a scoff.

"What are you doing here, Mark?" The woman asked the million dollar question. "Are you trying to torture him?"

"He's my family, Nancy." Sloan shook his head, also putting a name to the mystery woman. "Plus, I needed a change of pace. Plus, I slept with my tennis partner's wife, and he went out and bought a gun."

"There it is." Nancy nodded.

"Oh, my God." I looked over to see Addison joining the pair, hugging Nancy. "Nancy! Let my guess. Did Mom send you out?"

"I hear Derek's trying to ban you from Seattle." Nancy shook her head.

"Did he also tell you that he's living in a trailer?" Addison asked.

"Yeah." Nancy laughed as I spotted Derek stepping off the elevator. "Derek. Oh, Derek. I want to see the two uteruses."

"Yeah, um, find me later." Addison told Nancy as she went following after Derek. 


"Dr. Karev, I knew you secretly missed my service." Addison grinned at Alex as she led George and I into the patient's room to find Alex in there already. "Greg, Noelle, I have very good news for you. According to our tests, the babies are both perfectly healthy. But they are substantially different sizes for a very unique reason. The test indicates that the babies have two different due dates."

"According to our calculations, the larger baby, your son, was conceived a full six weeks before your daughter." George told them. 

"I..." Greg frowned.

"Oh, God." Noelle's widened slightly. 

"I-I don't- I-I don't understand." Greg shook his head. "That- That can't be right. That's impossible."

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