Chapter Fifteen

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     I sit at the bunker all by myself, playing around on my phone. I'm so bored. Dean and Sam went out to see Kevin about two hours ago. Some kind of S.O.S. I asked if I could come, but they insisted that it would be a bad idea to have two of Hell's Most Wanted in the same room. Okay. Whatever.

     It's quiet in the library. It's quiet in general. I usually like being alone, but not today. Not with everything that's happened. Everything that's happening. After a few more bad selfies on my Instagram feed, I press the power button on my phone and basically toss it onto the table. This is driving me insane.

     "Cas?" I call. "Caaas?" I try again. "I know you can hear me, Castiel," I say. I can almost hear my voice echo in the empty bunker. I flop back in my chair and throw my head back, staring up at the ceiling. "Cassyyyyy," I whine. "I'm boooored. Come talk to meeeee!" I hear a fluttering sound and look up. Cas stands on the other side of the table. "Yay, it worked!" I say, sloppily throwing my hands up in the air. I'm sure that if someone saw the way I'm acting without context, they'd think I was drunk.

     "They left you alone?" Cas growls.

     "They went to see their prophet friend," I explain. "They said it would be dangerous to have us both in the same room, I dunno. But the bunker is warded against pretty much everything, right?"

     "They still shouldn't have left you alone before you could fully defend yourself," he says.

     My jaw drops. "I can defend myself! I've been learning from them and you for like a week and a half now!"

     "Yes, but you're not yet at full power," he says. "When we have finished our training, then you can say that you can defend yourself."

     "So teach me!" I argue. "Training has been going so slow." Cas just looks at me for a moment. "Come on, the guys aren't here to distract us, now's our chance to speed this crap along."

"Fine," he finally says. "Stand up." I follow his orders as he walks down the stairs to the other side of the map table in the adjacent lobby. "Fly to me," he simply says.

I raise my eyebrows. "I'm sorry, did you say 'fly'?"

"Yes. I previously told you that it was teleportation, but it's flying," he explains.

"So I have wings?"

"Yes," he answers. "They're underdeveloped, but yes."

I'm still learning new things about my angel half every day. This is insane. "Then why can't I feel them? And why can't I see yours?!"

Cas sort of slumps. "Like I said: your wings are underdeveloped. As are your eyes. Once we've finished training, you should be able to see any kind of disguised supernatural being's true form."

A corner of my mouth curls. "Huh," I say. "So you can see my wings right now?" He nods. "Awesome! I bet they look like little white fluffy chicken wings right now though, huh?"

He squints a little. "Actually, no," he says. "It's strange. Your wings are... Red."

"Red?" I repeat. "I thought angel wings were white?"

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