"Wake up you filthy half-breed." Angelica's voice whipped out as her hand collided with the girl's cheek, her head snapping back and forth, a whimper escaping her blood-red lips. Now that she'd stripped this beast from her daughter's body, Angelica realised that Topaz was one of the privileged Nighters. She had a tumble of midnight-black hair, which fell in crumpled waves to her waist, matted in the Worlder's own blood. She had a tiny button nose in the centre of her elegantly pale white face, her blood-red lips full and warm, a glorious colour to her otherwise stark features. Right now the Nighter's eyes were closed, emphasising the long length of her thick black eyelashes, at least two centimetres in length. Her thin body was shaped with thick muscles, her thin waist and skinny legs shown off by the baffling silver mini-dress which rapped her torso and a few inches of her thighs, her feet cut and bare as she hung from two elongated handcuffs attached to the chains Angelica had used to chain Alison previously inside the round room.

"I said wake up!" Angelica snarled, snapping her hand the other way. "Touch me again and I'll make sure your wings are ripped out in the most excruciating way possible, you witch!" Topaz snarled, slowly opening her eyes. She hung a foot above the ground, so she was a little taller than Angelica was. Despite this Nighter merely eighteen years of age, she was able to intimidate Angelica with those simple words, even as she hung defenceless. "Oh I'm not the witch, Darker." Topaz narrowed her impeccably blue eyes at the Angel. "I'm pretty sure the word 'Darker' is classed as racist, isn't it?" Angelica kissed her teeth and turned, walking away from the Worlder. "Not that you'd care about being politically correct or anything, I mean, you are the one who chained your own daughter by her wings." Angelica spun to face the Worlder. "Don't you dare call that impostor my daughter! She is nothing of mine!" Angelica's voice echoed in the room and Topaz widened her eyes in sarcastic shock. "Oh, well then... Touchy this evening aren't you?" Angelica snarled and leapt forward, but not before her husband appeared before her and she staggered into him in surprise. "Keep calm, Angelica, please." Alistair said in a bored voice, gently pushing her off his chest and dusting his white suit, turning towards the Nighter hanging by the chains. "Oh, finally graced us with your overwhelmingly irritating presence." Topaz rolled her eyes and flicked her hair out of her eyes, the chains rattling as she done so. "No back chat if you please, Nighter." Alistair sighed in a bored tone. "I do have a name you know, it's the one your son loves to use... Never stops saying it as a matter of fact," Alistair growled under his breath, his hands flexing into claws by his sides, his wings rising up behind him. "Best be careful there, Alistair, at your age, anger could give you a heart attack. And no one wants that now do they? I'd much prefer you died under my own hand than your own anger." Angelica was convinced her husband would lose his patience with this peculiarly witty Nighter. But instead he reached into his suit jacket and brought out the papers. "You know, it's no wonder you're such an irritating little parasite, with the parents you have..." Topaz nodded her head. "You're right, they were pretty horrible, weren't they? But they don't come close to you." Alistair rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up you ignorant, ill mannered-"

"Alistair..." Angelica warned, putting a hand on her husband's shoulder. He shook it off and unfolded the papers. "You were so desperate to know what the contents of these papers were... Why was that?" Topaz shrugged. "It was more my brother who was interested in them... I was more eager to keep your son close... You know, he is extremely good company," Alistair ground his teeth together and Angelica snarled, baring her teeth. "Ooh, you better watch there girl, that is not a good look to wear." Alistair dropped the papers and flew behind Topaz, yanking her head back by her hair, his claws dug deep into her hair. The Nighter merely whimpered a little, but otherwise she smiled.

"Is he always this rough?" Angelica picked up the papers and Topaz grinned. "Aden must get his roughness from you then, Alistair, he's real rough." Topaz cackled and Alistair kicked her leg with an unbelievably inhumane force. Topaz's leg whipped out with a resounding crack, booting Angelica's forehead, sending her flying back against the wall in an accidental hit. The two Worlders howled in agony, Angelica's rage worse than the thud of the hit. "You truly are incapable of maintaining a little respect for your superiors, aren't you? You're the most hideous, disgusting, despicable, disrespectful parasite I've ever met."

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