Chapter 4- Louis- The Bully

Start from the beginning

Louis went to his room and laid down on his bed. He groaned and closed his eyes. Right now, Liam was getting an amazing gift and Louis was laying there being... Louis. There was a few moments of complete silence before, even though closed eyes, Louis saw the lights start to flicker in his room.

This is it, He thought. Simon and Xavier are starting up the machine. Liam's getting his powers! Louis had figured out that the machine the men used sucked out a lot of energy, explaining the flickering lights. They had been testing on animals all month long. Liam was the first human.

What Louis didn't expect was the blood curdling scream that could be heard throughout the house. Louis shot straight up from bed and looked around wildly. Was that Liam?! The lights continued to flicker and the screams went on.

Louis started to shake. That scream was absolutely haunting! What ever was happening to Liam was a sort of pain he would not wish on his worst enemy. But, his worst enemy would be Liam, wouldn't it? Oh, God! He thought. He didn't really want the younger boy's brain to turn to mush like Niall had said!

Suddenly, the entire house went quiet. The lights started to glow like normal. The sudden silence made Louis' ears ring. He continued to shake. He tried to imagine what it was like, hooked up to that machine, but the sound of Liam's screaming echoed in his head. Did he really want to endure what ever that was just so he could have powers?

Yes. He did.

He wanted to save people. He wanted to feel like he was worth something. He just wanted to be looked up to!

Louis laid back down on the bed and put his arm over his eyes. “Oh, God,” He groaned, trying to get that sound out of his mind. That scream. It sounded so painful. What had they done to him? Louis was just a little too scared to find out.

* * *

Whatever had happened to him the night before, it didn't seem to have that bad of an after effect on Liam. He walked around the house with a huge smile on his face. He was being followed around by Simon and Xavier as the day passed, they jotted notes down as he trained some more in the dojo.

Louis watched from afar. His curiosity had gotten the better of him. He wanted to see what Liam had become.

He didn't quite see it at first. Louis had tried to avoid looking at the boy ever since he got there. He was too angry and disgusted with him to give him the time of day. But he started to notice. Liam was a bit... Bigger. Not his height, but his build. Liam had a fairly muscular body, but now he had really bulked up. Louis saw it when he moved. The muscles rippled with power with every step, every jab at the training dummies.

“Now let's see how strong you are,” Simon said, motioning towards the dumbbell rack in the corner of the dojo.

Liam nodded and walked over to them. He didn't look all that graceful when he moved. He was a bit clumsy, actually. He was probably trying to get use to the new body he had and couldn't quite get a hold if it. Louis found it rather funny to watch him lumber around like that.

His smirk was immediately wiped off his face when Liam went to pick up the biggest weights. There was a squeal of metal and the entire thing snapped in half under Liam's grip, both ends dropped to his feet. Liam stared at the deformed object in his hand and then looked at the two scientists who both mirrored his look of shock.

“Oops...” Was all Liam could say. He looked back down, and then up again. “Um... Is that supposed to happen?”

Xavier looked at Simon with a huge smile on his face. “Perhaps we should use something... Sturdier...”

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