By then all kinds of things were running through my mind.

What was she doing here?

How did she get here?

Why would the werewolves bring her here?

Did Melissa know that she was here?

"Vanessa, I need you to talk to me, okay? You have to snap out of this." I begged her as I gently shook her.

"Melissa! MELISSA!" I screamed as I let go of Vanessa and ran to the door and began pounding on the door like a mad woman.

"Sh-she's n-not going t-to answer you." A small voice croaked out from behind me.

"Vanessa? You can talk? Oh my gosh, what is going on? How did you get here? Does Melissa know you're here?"

"Mmhmm." She mumbled, her eyes drooping.

"No no no, Vanessa keep your eyes open. Talk to me!" I exclaimed frantically. When she didn't reply I left her and ran back to the door and began pounding even harder on it.


Desperate, I ran back to Vanessa and slapped her hard enough to snap her out of the effect whatever drug they gave her was having on her.

"OUCH! What the fuck Amelia?" She screamed as she jumped from the floor.

"Finally! Look, I'm sorry but you seriously need to tell me what the fuck is going on before I lose it."

"It looks like you already have. Your eyes are yellow."

"What? But that would mean I'm using my lycan strength. That means I could have brought that door down. Why didn't it go down, I was pounding on it."

"That's because it's lycan proof. This whole room is, my parents believed that if a lycan couldn't break free, no one or thing could."

"Your parents? They built this room?"

"They built this entire cabin. I can't believe they did this. I should've known."

"What do you mean? Vanessa what is going on?"

Sighing, Vanessa sat back down, a betrayed look on her face. She shook her head slowly as tears fell down her face.

"My mother never wanted to apologize. In fact she wanted to change my mind so that I could help them, my dad, my brothers and that pack that hates the lycan's guts, get ride of the lycans once and for all. When I told her no and tried to kick her out, she called in a bunch of werewolves and made it look like we were attacked before having me taken over here."

"B-but there was blood on the walls, Melissa had claw marks on her face."

"The blood was fake and she told one of the guys to scratch her. Said it would make it more believable when you came down."

My mind was whirling at Vanessa's revelation. That whole time I spent believing Melissa, putting my trust back in her and hoping that maybe we could burn the old bridge, build a new one and cross it together. But the whole time she was probably planning all the different ways to kill me and my family.

"I can't believe this." I said with a gasp.

"Oh believe it sweetheart."

Vanessa and I both turned towards the door when we heard her dad's voice reverberate through the thick walls and into the room. The little square that was cut into the door was now a hole that revealed a piece of him standing in the hall.

"Don?" "Dad?" Vanessa and I say simultaneously.

"Hello girls, nice to see you both again." He said monotonously, his voice grainy and rough, the effect of decades of smoking. I could practically smell his cigarette breath from where I stood across the room with Vanessa.

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