Bayleigh - Someone's Watching

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Been SOOOO long, and I know a lot of you were probably waiting for this update!

I. Am. So. Sorry. This would've been posted way before hand, but it was deleted and I tried to stick to my original plot. It isn't exactly the same, but I hope it'll make up for the time lost!!

Amazing outfit made by ThatWitherGirl!

The long awaited OC by _Authentic!

And other OCs in this chapter belong to The_Girl_In_The_Mask, ianinjite02, and BananaDashio!


"Bayleigh Nefarious, please head to the Time Vault in ten minutes sharp." Elizabeth's voice rang over the intercom. Great. I thought. I knew where this was going. I turned to the others.

"Okay, spill it. Who told them about the prank?" I asked. Jessie snickered as Katie only shrugged in confusion. I glared at Jessie. "Hold on, how come you aren't getting in trouble? You helped out in the prank too!" I added.

With that, Banana ran for her life. I mentally facepalmed. "I honestly have no clue what's happening." Katie said honestly. I nodded in agreement. Katie is pretty innocent.

I turned to Eva, who subsided in the corner silently. "You know, you're known for being good at lying, but today I could see right through you." I sighed. Saeva only glanced at me with her piercing eyes.

I looked right back at her, arms crossed, giving her he 'Go-on' signal. She sighed.

"They would've found out it was you at one point. If we had waited longer than we did, the consequences could've been worse. I only took authority since nobody else wanted to." She told me.

I heard Banana yell in the distance; "You only probably did it to impress Nade!" I looked in Jessie's direction before facing Eva again. I thought I saw her flush for a moment, but that might've just been my imagination.

"Anyways. I only did it for the greater good. It was the lesser of two evils. And I am loyal to my officials and leaders." She said calmly. What are you, an Ianitee? I wanted to say, but I knew better than to make Eva mad.

I only sighed as I walked toward the Time Vault. But first I have to find that damned Banana.


"Ow ow ow not the goggle straps!" Jessie cried. I rolled my eyes and pulled her along. I was not taking the full blame and punishment when she was involved in the prank too.

I casually dragged I played around with the gear in the Time Vault till I got the correct code. I heard a shifting of gears before the vault began to open. Jessie's eyes widened in admiration. "Wooaahhh..." She muttered under her breath.

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