Jessica - What Happened Here?

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Outfit and OC by Neecyk0526 !

I thought life couldn't get any weirder than it was. Boy, was I wrong. One minute I'm at my house, listening to Machines - awesome song by the way - and now, I'm at a ceremony to be claimed. Like what the heck? I shouldn't question it. I might just get on their bad side.

Luna hesitantly extended her right arm, and then Ianite summoned a flicker of a royal violet  flame. The flame multiplied, and circled around Luna's arm. When it was over, Ianite raised Luna's arms and showed it to all of us.

Imprinted on it was golden scales of balance in the center, with a silver dragon curled around it. Around the symbol was carved purple end particles. (THINK MINECRAFT PEOPLE. ONLY FOR THIS PART THOUGH. YER CHARACTERS ARENT BLOCK I PROMISE)

"Welcome, Luna Grace, to Team Impartiality. No doubt you will enjoy your stay." The purple haired woman said, her voice filled with power, yet it was graceful. Ianite smiled at Luna, reassuring her everything was alright.

The crowd cheered for joy and chanted Luna's name. Luna smiled and waved at them, before an auburn haired girl took her to the Camp Impartiality tent. I wonder when it'll be my tur- "JESSICA KNIGHT!" The announcer yelled. How coincidental.

I stepped onto the stage and did the same thing the other girls did. I sat on the chair and Gaines quickly strapped me. "So... Is this supposed to hurt or..?" I ask. Gaines nodded.

"Mentally, yes. And perhaps physically depending on what your head tells you. But after the test, everything will be O-K!" He told me. "Maybe..." He muttered the last part. Well that's reassuring.

He grabbed the syringe and showed it to me. "You okay with this?" He asked. I nodded, although my head screamed to get the hell out of here. I began to feel my hands shaking, and beads of sweat began to form on my forehead.

Before I realized it, I was back at home. Or at least, the remains of it. One side was rubble, and glass was shattered on the ground. Family photos were gone, and the furniture was torn.

Okay, this was definitely un-mom like. She would never let the house stay in this position. She'd go insane, being the neat freak she was. She'd scold Jaden and I for making a smudge on the dinner table.

There were multiple remains of knives and other sorts of weapons. The only weapon that seemed to be in tact was an iron sword I came by. Part of me told me to pick it up, so I did. Who knew what I'd be facing.

I could feel the cold breeze of the wind go through my shirt, making me shiver. "M-mom? D-dad..?" I called out. No answer. I took a step forward, observing the torn down place. I stepped on something, and I looked down.

A photo frame. I picked it up, stunned at the shattered glass covering the photo inside. It was a family photo of my family. It was taken last Christmas. (I GAVE YOU MAH HEART! BUT TEH VERY NEXT DAY, YE GAVE ET AWAYY... Sorry.)

My mother's hair was pulled up into a bun (when her hair was still long) with a red ribbon, and wore a red dress. Father wore a green sweater, carrying Jaden, my younger sister - although she could walk already.

My hands began to shake as I looked at the photo.  Mom was to the right, dad and Jaden were to the left, and I was in the center. What bothered me even more was the fact that the glass was shattered straight in the center... Where I was. "Jessica..?" A voice asked.

I whirled around, coming face to face with my sister. "Thank the gods you are alright!" I cried, extending my arms for a hug, but she didn't take it. I just decided to ignore it.

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