Merle - Your Threats Dont Scare Me

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All outfits made by Neecyk0526 !

Merleintje 's OC, Merle Thorne!

The Kate Willows girl nervously approached the so said Botan. The thing that happened right after she stood by Botan wasn't too surprising by the crowd, but I realized it had stunned the other contestants and I.

Botan stood, looking straight into Kate's eyes. I think... Stupid cloak. He asked her something, and Kate quickly pulled up her right sleeve. Botan's right index finger lit up a shadowy flame, and approached Kate's arms.

The smoke spun around Kate's bare right arm, and she observed it quietly as it carved something into her skin. The other contestants gasped, but Kate didn't seem to be bothered by the black shadowy flame printing a symbol on her skin.

I could see the champions grinning at the stunned contestants, who seemed to be dumbfounded by the symbol. Botan grabbed Kate's arm and lifted it up for the village to see. "A NEW CAMP INIQUITOUS CAMPER!" Botan yelled.

Everyone cheered for the new follower. The tattoo on Kate's arm was a symbol of a silver steampunk clock, with grey and black swirls designed around it. Okay, this is just awesome! I thought. If she gets one, does that mean I get one too?

A champion of Botan in a long black dress stepped forward, greeting Kate and leading her with the other Shadow champions. Botan sat down once again, but somehow, when he did, I managed to meet his eyes.

They were lifeless and dark, holding so many secrets and grudges. I could manage to make it what his eyes were telling me. Pathetic. He said through eye contact. I felt a shiver go down my spine, and I quickly looked away.

To keep Botan's ominous stare out of my head, I turned my attention to Mianite walking forward. "MERLE THORNE." It should've been scary for someone after seeing what that liquid did to that poor girl.

Kate was sweating and she would let out a few whimpers ever so often. That went on for about a minute before she reopened her eyes and Botan claimed her. But as for me, I was overly hyped.

YESSSS! I screamed in my head. I hopped out of my seat and walked to the stage. Gaines strapped me into the chair and went straight to the syringe. "May this mortal find her rightful place beside one of our most gracious gods."


Darkness. There was nothingness, just a dark, black pit. I could feel myself beginning to hyperventilate. Of course, it had to be the dark. Now I know why Kate was panicking so much. Was she thinking about the dark too?

"Pathetic." Botan's harsh voice rang in my ears. My body tensed, afraid something may just pop out at anymore moment. I was defensele- Clang! I whipped around and saw a sword in front of me.

I quickly took it and went into defense mode. "Ah, now that there's no witnesses." Botan began, stepping out of the shadows. I took a step back. "Hello, Miss Thorne."

Though it was dark, I could see the grin on his face, just like I could see his eyes at the ceremony. "W-what do you want with me..?" I stuttered, pointing my sword at him.

"Haven't you realized it yet, woman? You are only but a thorn(e) in my side." (No pun intended. Or is it? >:3) He scoffed, summoning his obsidian sword with a snap of his hand.

A black wisp of fire surrounded it, and the smoke coming off of it looked like souls trapped in Botan's grasp. That's gonna be your home very soon. Botan's voice rang in my ears. I wasn't scared of Botan; I was scared of the darkness Botan was emitting.

Botan teleported, and before I knew it, he was right beside me, his sword at my neck. I could feel the heat of the flames, the mini souls whispering calls of help to me. "Now, child. What brings you to my domain..?"

"Uh... I don't understand..." I murmured, trying not to upset the immortal being. "Care to explain?" I asked, a little too confident for a person near her death.

"Can't you see, child? The darkness. This is my home turf. I control time and space. I control your life, and your death." He whispered the end, before teleporting away. "If you can prove your worthiness, I may just spare you."

Now he was in front of me, sword near my stomach. "Why won't you fight, Thorne? Afraid? A coward?" He asked, trying to intimidate me. AM NOT. I mentally facepalmed. You're too big of an idiot to be a god.

"P-please don't h-hurt me." I murmured, cowering in false fear. Hope that tricked him. He raised a brow, but continued to try and intimidate me. I swear if I get placed in this god's camp and need to put up with him for gods know how long...

This guy was making me lose my patience. Wait for the right moment, Merle. I begged myself. Just relax. "Fight! I know you want to, child." He snarled. "Stop being a coward, and attempt to defeat me. I assure you I will defeat you. Or are you scared you will be eliminated?"

"I-I can't..." I cried. "I-I-I want to go home..." When he went for an attack, I grinned and dodged. He may have speed, but when he charges, he can't stop. That was my chance to strike.

I went behind him and struck him from the back. He screamed in pain, and golden blood spilled from his wound. Then he disappeared into golden dust.

"TEAM AUDACITY!" A voice roared. I snapped out of my trance and a bright light filled my hazy vision. Light... Sweet, sweet light...

Gaines quickly unstrapped me and led me to Dianite. He grinned at me, and through a mental link he said; You have done well. You have accomplished the aptitude test successfully. Now are you really to be claimed? I nodded, pulling up my sleeve.

His right index finger lit a red light, and it swirled around my arm, and when it disappeared, a red symbol came into view. It was a symbol of a fire with a golden skull in the center of it. On top of the skull was a pair of devil horns. Sick!

Dianite pulled my arm up to show to the crowd. "NOW WELCOMING OUR NEW TEAM AUDACITY CAMPER, MERLE THORNE!" The crowd cheered and hollered my name.

The so called Tom came to pick me up and led me to the rest of the champions of Dianite. As I passed by Botan, I was scared what he thought of my performance. Did he see it? Was he not amused? All he did was nod. "Welcome Merle." He greeted.

I sighed in relief. Tom ran to the other champions in excitement and greeted me to everyone Hehe... Who knew. Ah, I'm glad I'm with Dianite.

Rise of the Prophesied Clans (Mianite Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora