Rosetta - The Sky Duo

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As always! Outfit by Neecyk0526 !

RosettaQueen 's OC, Rosetta Queen! (Duh)

The Jessica girl's hands were shaking, not to mention she looked terrified when she finished the aptitude test. Poor thing... I thought. I wonder what made her flip out. I fidgeted in my seat, overly nervous of what I would go through during the test.

I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine. It'll be alright, promise." Clarisse reassured. "Look, you gotta trust me pretty girl."

I managed a smile, trying not to move a lot. Clarisse was pretty buff, and probably ten sizes larger than me. (I haven't heard of Clarisse for a while in PJO & HOO xD I kinda miss her)

At first I thought she was some big ass bully who pushed you around, but I found out she actually had a soft spot. You must be wondering how I met her. Actually, you would think I would be flipping out if you found out. She actually captured me. Crazy, right?

I turned my attention back to Jessica. The silvery purple (I don't know, GOD DAMN IT MARTHA.) haired goddess stood up, coming face to face with her. Martha took both of Jessica's hands and said something I couldn't hear from here.

Jessica nodded and said something as well. Martha pulled her into a hug, and she hugged back. AWWW THATS SO CUTE!!! I squealed. Not out loud, but in my head.

Jessica took a step back and Martha lifted up her index finger. Both girls smiled, and a lavender flame lit up on Martha's finger. The wisp began to engulf Jessica's arm. Jessica looked nervous at first, but she quickly accepted it afterwards.

In a matter of seconds, the most subsided, and what was imprinted on her arm was a silver crescent moon, with golden stars surrounding it. "Woah..." I heard a girl beside me say. Martha lifted Jessica's arm.

"Now announcing our new Team Resilience camper, Jessica Knight!" Martha exclaimed, her stormy gray/grey (how do you write grey/gray?) eyes seeming to sparkle. Jessica smiled at all of us, before a man in a grey (there it is again) cloak led her to a tent.

"ROSETTA QUEEN!" Someone yelled. I took a deep breath and told myself, Come on. You got this. No need to worry, right? Maybe..? I scrambled onto my feet and hesitantly stepped onto the stage.

Gaines smiled at me and went through all the procedures. Talked me into it, strapping me in, and asking me for permission. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this, Rosetta?" He asked one last time. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you my mom or something?" I joked. Gaines raised a brow, but I shooed it away. "Only kidding. Yeah, I'm sure." I sounded a lot more confident than I was, but I couldn't say no. I needed to be claimed.

If I did say no, what would they do? I could run, but where? I pushed that thought aside as Gaines came back with the syringe. Without question, he inserted the liquid into my body.

Okay that sounded wrong. He inserted the liquid into my veins. No, still sounds weird. He put the substance into me. NO. You know what, forget it. I just made it weirder than it was.


My eyes snapped open, and I was still at the ceremony. The gods the were gone, the crowd seemed to subside, and all the champions and other competitors seemed to disappear. What? I thought.

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