Acacia - Not So Amusing Park

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ThatWitherGirl's take on the outfits! (Aka Neecyk0526)


Okay okay okay. I got this. I definitely got this. If they call me up, I'll be totally fine! Right? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like the aptitude test is taking all of our greatest fears and turning them into reality.

I guess not particularly "reality," but hey, aptitude tests are supposedly a parallel universe in a way. I think.... But anyways, it's not like that's gonna happen. Definitely not.

"ACACIA EVEREST!" The announcer... Announced. I got out - more like leaped - out of my seat and raised my hand. "That's me!" I said, waving my hand in the air. I walked up to the stage and immediately went for the chair.

I sat down and waited for Gaines to strap me in. "Soooo...." I began. "What exactly happens in an aptitude test?" I asked curiously as Gaines grabbed the syringe and strapped me in. He just looked at me silently before responding.

"Erm, well it's hard to explain actually. It varies for whoever is in the aptitude test. More or less a fear landscape." He rambled on, but I didn't particularly listen to him. At all. When his lips stopped moving I knew he was done. "So yeah..." He concluded.

"Okay, seems cool!" I commented.

Gaines frowned. "Uh, so you sure you want to-" he began, but I cut him off and waved my hand in a 'whatever' gesture. "It's all coo, go ahead, I'm all up for it." I told him. Gaines sighed and didn't hesitate when he inserted the shot.

I let out a soft whimper when I felt a strike of pain. Okay, that hurt, but I'm O-K! When I regained consciousness, I was at... A amusement park? Well, the entrance of it at least. I took a step forward, and went through the bars.

Well, tried to force myself through the bars. They were rusty and immovable, so I decided to crawl under them. Ah, the perks of having a  small body structure. As I got to the other side of the bars, I was welcomed by silence.

It wasn't your average everyday amusement park. Light were blinking ever so slowly, and the designs on the rides were wearing off, peeling even. It was practically a ghost town.

Or a ghost park. Hehe... No..? I know, I'm so amusing... Ment park. Okay okay I'll stop. Anyways, there was no trace of another being, and the cold, misty air was practically the only thing that greeted me.

I thought I heard some music somewhere, but it was way far in the distance. I slowly walked past all the supposed broken down game stands, with popped balloons and torn teddy bears and stuffed animals.

All sorts of items roamed the road; from toys to cars, and ripped up diplomas and stakes of wood. Everything. Even remains of spoiled food.

As I picked up a decapitated head of a once large rabbit plushy, I frowned. This rabbit mustn't have been a happy camper. Poor guy... Okay, I was practically losing it. I was actually feeling bad for a stuffed animal. Brings back memories of me as a kid. Heh...

I put down the rabbit head and kept walking forward. This was creepy and way too quiet for my taste. I felt a little lonely actually... I got to the roller coaster part of the park, with a large Ferris wheel in the center.

The white paint was peeling off of it, and the passenger cars - once the primary colors - were fading to a dull grey. I sighed and headed towards it. Maybe a ride would cheer me up... If it still works that is.

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