Meet Rose Feray - Team Impartiality Instructor

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Yes, I did republish this, just for the "no biasing" reason. I didn't want people to choose teams depending on their instructor xD I know, I'm fabulous. Jk jk


Fun fact: Rose Feray means "Lovely Radiance of the Moon"

"M'lady? Lord Sparklez?" I declared, bowing before the goddess and her champion. "The... Contestants have arrived."

"Arise, Rose. There is no need for t-th-tha- haha, okay I couldn't keep up the serious business." Jordan's bold and stern structure began to crumble. I could see Ianite glare at her champion. "Sorry, my lady."

Ianite nodded, before taking over. "Rose, I am glad to see you." She greeted.

"Good seeing you as well, m'lady." I respond, glancing up at her. She shook her head in disapproval and smiled.

"Although Jordan stands correct. There is not need for bowing. You were last year's champion of Ianite, are you not?" I nodded solemnly. I did have every right to stand side by side with Ianite just like Jordan does, but I couldn't forgive myself after...

Ianite went up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "I know. But I assure you your friends are in a better place." She whispered. I looked up, as she gave me a reassuring smile. She hesitated, before saying; "They miss you too."

My head jerked up. "W-wait, you mean they're not-" I began, but was soon cut off by Jordan.

"My lady Ianite and Lady Rose, I'm truly sorry for interrupting, but we must speak of the competition." He said, his sapphire eyes trailing to the goddess' violet ones. Ianite exchanged looks with him, before stepping back to her throne.

"I suppose I should get my brothers. Perhaps Gaines is ready to set up the aptitude testing." Ianite started. "Rose, if you will?" I nodded once again, understanding what she meant. It was time.


"Gaines?" I called out as I entered his lab. I could see the test tubes set up in the separate quarters. There was a chair to the far left corner of each room, and beside it was a table with syringes placed neatly on it.

If I hadn't been used to seeing this place, I'd probably run away as soon as I entered that door. As much as I loved the realm and working with Gaines and the others, I miss my old friends and family back at home.

As I approached Gaines' computer and desk, I could see the so said man fiddling around with papers and serums. "Hello? Oh, hello Rose." He greeted. "I'm just finishing up all the serums."

"You managed to get them to give you some blood?" I said, dumbfounded by how quickly he had gotten them. I haven't met the contestants yet, but I've heard they've arrived. Must be a really hyped up group. I hope...

I remembered my first time arriving here. I was talking to my friend over Skype while playing some video games, and the next thing I know, POOP! No, not the butt poop.

Scratch that, (no not your butt) how about BOOP! Yeah, that'll work. And I'm in some sort of competition. Now here I am, now an instructor of the same competition I participated in just months before.

"It took a bit, but I got it." He grinned, as he sketched out something.

"Faster than last year?" I laughed. "Because I'm pretty sure we had the record." It was true, it didn't take us long to start the competition. Everyone was pretty excited for the competition. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Not quite, but close." He laughed along. "I'm just glad I actually got them." I nodded in agreement. I was excited to meet all the contestants. I wonder who'd be in Team Impartiality... "You might want to get changed. You won't have much of the 'pro' vibe in that."

I looked down at my 'I'm smart, I just do stupid things' shirt and grey shorts. "What about it?" I muttered, a smile pecking on my lips. He rolled his eyes and shooed me away.


"Why are we dressed up so fancy again?" I asked Ianite, who wore a regal violet gown.

"It's just for the ceremony. Once that's over, we'll change." She reminded. I could feel the weight on my chest lift off. "Into ball gowns and suits." My heart dropped and I groaned in frustration. I picked on the bow that was clipped in my hair, tempted to pull it off.

I constantly kept tugging on the dress Ianite gave me. It was apparently her dress in the "good old days," and overall it was pretty, I guess. But did it have to be so frickin itchy? I huffed, pulling a bang out of my pulled up hair.

"You didn't have to use the cape, you know." Ianite reminded me. I shook my head in disapproval. I was not going to the ceremony with a dress as short as my hair - which is pretty long for hair, but dress wise, holy crap that's short.

"I feel bare without it. Well, more bare. At least I can cover myself." I explained. "But does it have to be so short..?" I murmured, covering the dress with my cape. Ianite gave me a pitiful smile as she fiddled around with my bow and tucked in the bang I pulled out. I mentally facepalmed and cursed silently.

"It's not that bad, Rose." She reassured, patting down my wavy, hair-sprayed auburn hair. I furrowed my eyebrows and pulled out the piece of hair out again. Jordan squeaked, trying to hold in his laughter. I glared at him, sending daggers at the flushed boy.

"Yeah, I mean, emerald doesn't really match with purple and black, but ya know, what can you do?" He said casually, hands behind back. I stopped in my tracks and glared at him. Ianite and Jordan stopped as well and looked at me.

"And just how exactly am I gonna change my eye color?" I scoffed, arms crossed. A flash of fear filled his sapphire eyes before he came to a conclusion. Of course he finds a conclusion.

He shrugged. "Colored eye lenses?" He recommended, a goofy grin forming on his face. Nerd. "What? I'm just saying." He put his hands up playfully. I sent him another glare before catching up to Ianite that was walking away.

"At least I don't look like a tomato glued onto an eggplant." I retorted, running away before he could respond. A smile crawled up onto my face as I heard Jordan yelling behind me.


Hey guys! This is just an intro for one of the team instructors. Me! xD Yes, I am the instructor for Team Impartiality. You must be very confused with the "last year competition" part. I assure you it will all make sense once I'm done introducing all the instructors. Hope you enjoyed, and I will see you in the next chapter!


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