Saeva - Im So Sorry

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Outfit by Neecyk0526

The_Girl_In_The_Mask 's OC, SAEVA!

Big beard boy spoke a few words to his new follower. "What exactly?" you may ask. Well does it look like I'm the kind of person who has super-hearing? I mean, I know you can't see me, but you get the point.

Goodie two shoes lifted his index finger, which began to spark a sky blue. It's almost as blue as the sk- yeah, okay, ignore me saying that. The flames crawled up Rosetta's arm, then formed a cobalt blue carved dove perched on a gold branch with beautiful flowers growing on it.

Rosetta and Mianite smiled at one another, before a fox lady came and picked Rosetta up. July twiddled her thumbs around my choppy brown hair, muttering some insults like: "Who would do such a thing?" Or "You call this a haircut?"

July was the one who supposedly got my out of the "wretched world" I call home. She had somewhat of a crude and sassy humor, and also obviously had a different sense of style the moi. "You can't go up there like that, hon!" She cried.

I rolled my eyes and swatted her hand away. "Can you stop with that? I think I look fine, excuse you." I scoffed. She frowned and turned her attention to the announcer.

"SAEVA DOLOR!" The man called. I took a deep breath and stood up. "Evvveeeeyyyy!" July whined. "I told you!" I ignored her and stepped onto the stage. Gaines offered to lead me to the chair, but I glared at him and told him I could do it myself.

I sat in the wooden chair and allowed Gaines to strap me. "As I went through with the other girls, this may be dangerous, causing head trauma and perhaps possible de-" He was cut off when I interrupted him.

"Gaines, please." I scoffed. "I can handle this." I said defiantly. Gaines shrugged and grabbed the syringe. He hesitantly approached me before: JAB! "OW! OKAY THAT WAs uncalled... For..." I drifted off.

Cold... Darkness... In a place of waking and sleeping... Clunk! I regained my consciousness, my body freezing cold. I hugged myself, and began to shiver. I scrambled into my feet, only to tumble back down.

I slipped onto my butt, cracking what seemed like glass. Nope, it was ice. Now my bottom was sore and cold. I leaned against what seemed to be a freezing wall. Or whatever you call these icy pillars of steel. Okay, cold cold cold....

You would think I would realize I was in a cage sooner than that. Well I didn't, did I? Clang! A sword dropped in front of me. I staggered back, stunned by the sudden weapon. I hesitantly reached for it, and grabbed the hilt in my palms.

Click...! Click...! Click...! I heard a tapping of shoes from behind me. I whirled around, only to be greeted by the pitch dark. All I could seem to see was the small area of my cage, which was barely visible.

Once the figure came into my limited eyesight, I realized a hooded figure appeared in front of me, sword pointed. Well, more like three. The three creatures wore black cloaks, their faces covered by their hoods.

"What do you want." I said sternly. Well, at least that's how I hoped it would come out. I came out more like: 'W-what do y-y-you want..?' I wasn't scared. That wasn't a stutter of fear. I was just flippin cold.

To prove I wasn't a coward, I stood up tall, though my feet were shaking as I tried not to slip. Somehow I saw a smile creep up the leader's face. I thought I saw a flash of pride in the person's threatening emerald eyes as well. "You've grown fast, child." It said.

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