"Both of ya'll please chill." Chris stood between us. "You stay out here until we come back. It's no need for you to come too." He spoke to Nicole.


I rubbed my stomach as I walked around the house. The pains I've been having are getting worse. Chris walked into the house and came over to me. I called him about 30 minutes ago. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it as I had another pain.

"You sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

I shook my head. "I'm sure."

"Are you peeing right now?" He stepped back

"Shit." I mumbled "I think we should go to the hospital now."


I kept glancing over at Jasmine "You ok?" I asked but she only groaned

"Chris! He's coming!" She yelled

"I'm driving fast as I can. Just hold on for me."

"I can't." She started to slide down a little

I put my signal light on to turn into the hospital "Come on." I tapped on the steering wheel.

Jasmine screamed loudly. I looked over at her and she was shaking.

"His head is out!"

"Damn! My seats!"

"Fuck your seats." She snapped

I stopped in front of the hospital door and ran inside. Nurses came out behind me and went to Jasmine's side.

"We're going to have to deliver him here. Go get the doctor." One of the nurses ordered.

I ran my hands across my face and paced back and forth. My seat is ruined. I'm going to have to get a new seat put in. I walked over and watched as everyone surrounded Jas. 3 pushes later, my little man was out. The nurses rushed them into the hospital. They cleaned up my son and got Jas into a room.


I looked down at my son as I held him. He's perfect. He looks just like me but he has Jasmine's hair and eyes.

"What name did you pick out?" I looked over at Jas


I nodded. I laid him is the bassinet as the nurse walked in. Jasmine signed her name on the birth certificate and I did the same.


I held Kamden as I fed him. Chris was laying in the chair watching tv. My room door opened and all I could see was balloons. My mom, Morgan and August walked in.

"Awww. So precious." My mom walked over to see the baby.

"How was it? Did it hurt?" Morgan asked

"Hurt like hell." I laughed

"I'm proud of ya, Jas." Aug came over and kissed my forehead.

Everyone stayed and talked for a while before they left. I was happy they came to see him.

The Next Day...

My room door opened again for what seemed like the 100th time. I thought it was the nurse again until I looked over.

"Stephen? What are you doing here."

"Came to see the baby." He smiled and walked over

"Oh. We were getting our things ready to go."

"Ok. Well. He's beautiful and I wish ya'll the best."

I carefully placed Kamden into the carseat and strapped him in. I sat in a wheelchair and held the carseat in my lap as the nurse wheeled me to the front. Chris pulled up in his range rover and got out. He placed the carseat jn first then helped me in.

The car ride home wasn't bad. I was happy to be home and have my baby. I watched him as he slept in his crib.

While he was sleep, I took that time to relax. I laid across my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to my room completely dark. I looked at the time and it was 10:30.

I slowly got out of bed and walked to Kamden's room. Chris was sitting in the rocking chair holding him as he sung to him.

I smiled and watched him. After a while he noticed me and laid Kamden down. He quietly walked out the room.

"Sleep good?"

"Yea." I nodded. "Thanks. I needed that."

"Oh, don't thank me. He's my son too. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do."

His phone went off and his facial expression changed as he read the text.

"Girlfriend?" I looked at him

He sighed and nodded

"You can go home. I got him for the rest of the night."

"I don't want to leave. She'll be ok."

"I got it, Chris. I promise."

"I still want to be here. She's just going to have to be mad. My son is more important anyway." He walked into the living room.

Cell 118 | Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now