“Questions later! Get out, I’m changing!” I yelled out him. He looked down at my half naked body and quickly turned away.

“Oh, I um, I’ll just…” he trailed off and pointed to the door.

“Yeah,” I breathed and he left the closet. I quickly pulled on the shirt and exited the closet warily. Nate had put on his clothes from the day before, and sat on Poppy’s bed.

“Chas, look I really didn’t mean to walk in on you,” he apologized when I came out. “I swear I did not know you were in there.”

“Save it, I understand,” I said wearily. “Let’s just go downstairs, okay?” He nodded his head and followed me out of Poppy’s room and downstairs. Chase was behind the counter making pancakes, and Ricky and Kayla were seated. Well, Ricky was, Kayla was drifting around the room and just being…drunk.

“Ooo what were you two doing?” she asked as Nate and I came down. “Were you cheating?” she asked me with a wink after the ‘cheating’.

“Kayla, don’t be silly, Chas wouldn’t cheat on Chase,” Ricky said.

“Why not? It’s not like they’re actually dating,” she shrugged and everyone stopped moving.

“Wait what?” Nate asked.

“Psh Kayla, you’re drunk, like Chase and I would actually fake date, pshh what are you talking about?” I fumbled and tried to laugh it off. My laughter trailed off, however, when nobody joined in.

“Chas, have I ever told you you’re a terrible liar?” Chase asked me.

“So wait, you aren’t dating?” Ricky asked, interrupting my response.

“I-I-we…” I stuttered and looked to Chase for help, who only shrugged. “Yeah,” I finally settled with.

“So the entire school, plus both of your families, thinks that the two of you are together?” Nate asked to clarify.

“Yes!” I sighed.

“But why?” Ricky asked.

“Because Robbie is a total stalker, and I’m too nice, and I didn’t want to flat out tell him he looks like a walrus, and I-I needed an excuse okay?” I rambled. “Geez!” I breathed.

“And,” Kayla said, dragging out the ‘a’ sound. “I was the one who taught them how to be a couple.”

“And how did you know?” Ricky asked.

“Because,” she huffed, “I’m from the future.” At that she stuck her tongue out and we all started laughing at her drunken state. “I know everything!” she shouted.

“Maybe Kayla shouldn’t go to school today…” Chase trailed off as he gave us all our pancakes.

“She wouldn’t last a second,” Nate agreed.

“Oh and by the way,” I added through my pancakes. “You guys can’t tell anyone about Chase and I,” I said after I swallowed.

“Yeah ‘cus Robbie says he’ll be waiting for her,” Chase agreed.

“Uh huh, so those lips stay shut, and Kayla stays here,” I added on.

“Got it,” Ricky and Nate said in unison before they both started to wolf down their pancakes. Kayla had passed out on the floor, and Chase got up from the table and kicked her in the ankle. She stirred a little bit before she slowly got up from the floor.

“What happened?” she asked us.

“It’s alive!” Nate shouted and we all began to crack up.

“Dude, you were so drunk,” I chuckled.

“I wasn’t that drunk,” she protested as she stood up.

“You spun around in a circle and went ‘I’m a helicopter, I’m a helicopter’,” Ricky laughed and she flushed a bright red.

“Just shut up and eat your pancakes,” Kayla growled and shoved one into her mouth.

**A/N: Now, I know this was pretty short, but I didn't wanna go through a boring school day, don't worry, things are about to get interesting, seeing as Christmas break is coming up for the characters, and with Christmas there's always drama.

Video: The best of Jack from Scrubs (it has the helicopter thing in it lol)

Picture: banner :)

Dedication: whatevergirls28 for making the banner lol


My Fake Boyfriend PREQUEL TO SUCK MY LOLLIPOPWhere stories live. Discover now