Sometimes A Fantasy

Start from the beginning

"Everybody wants you back in that building." George added.

"I know." Izzie nodded. "I know. You guys go ahead. I'll be fine. I'm just gonna take a minute, practice my speech."

"Okay." Meredith nodded as we all headed inside.


"Izzie's back. That's good." Alex commented when he joined the rest of us at the nurse's station, waiting for Bailey. "Ooh, coffee cake."

"I'm dating." Meredith informed him as he went to take a piece of it.

"Touch that piece, lose a hand." Cristina threatened.

"Morning, people." At the sound of Bailey's voice we all turned around to face her. "Grey, we're clearing the decks. I need you writing discharge forms. Yang and Watley, you're both with Dr. Shepherd. Karev, as usual, you're with Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd in OB-GYN. O'Malley, Dr. Torres has requested you today in Ortho."

"Was she smiling?" Cristina asked once Bailey walked away, a smile on her lips indeed.

"Izzie's back." Alex reminded all of us as Cristina and I headed off to find Derek.


"Mr. Tresselt's having a corpus callosotomy." Derek informed Cristina and I once we joined him in the patient's room, finding a man laying in the hospital bed while his wife stood beside him, cradling a small boy in her arms, their son. "What's that going to look like?"

"We'll be severing some of the fibers that connect the right and left hemisphere of his brain, to prevent the spread of seizure activity from one half of his brain to the other." Cristina answered.

"Good. Right." Derek nodded.

"Daddy's letting them chop his brain in half because Daddy's a big dummy. Yes, he is." Mrs. Tresselt cooed to her son.

"They're not chopping my brain in half, Leanne." Mr. Tresselt assured his wife.

"Chop! Right down the middle." Leanne ignored her husband.

"Taylor should function much like he does right now." Derek told them both.

"Really?" Leanne asked.

"I'm having five seizures a day, Leanne." Taylor reminded her.

"I know that." She nodded.

"You don't leave me in a room alone with the baby." Taylor said. "You think I don't notice? You ask your mother to come by every time you need to take a shower."

"That's not the reason." Leanne tried to argue, clearly not on board with the surgery.

"It's because you think I'm a danger to the baby." Taylor shook his head. "And I am."

"Look, if you're not sure, for any reason, we can wait." Derek told the couple.

"I want to be able to take care of our baby." Taylor told his wife. "Please, Leanne, we already agreed. Please."


"We'll have cardiology check this, and then you'll be good to go." I told Taylor.

"All done." Taylor grinned as he held his arms out to Leanne, looking at their son. I smiled as I watched Leanne had the little boy over to his father. "There's my guy. Jake, we're almost all done with this whole thing."

"We're not almost done." Leanna shook her head. "You still have brain surgery and God knows how many weeks of recovery ahead of you."

"She's right." I couldn't help but agree with her. "It's good to know what you're getting yourself into."

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