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"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cas and I thought it was best not to at the time! There's no need to get so pissy over this!"

"Right, yeah you're right Sam, there's no freaking need for me to get pissed that my own boyfriend and brother couldn't tell me about God wanting to kill us unless Cas left because they thought I'd go physco or something?"

"You're twisting things around Dean.. It wasn't like that. We didn't want to hurt you!"

Dean scoffed at that.

"Hurt me? You didn't want to hurt me?? Look around Sam! What the hell do you think I am now?"

Sam shook his head.

"Look, fine, it's okay. I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I should've convinced him - made him tell you the truth right? That's my mistake Dean."

"It's fine.. it- it doesn't matter. Fighting won't bring him back" Dean admitted aloud.

More to himself than to Sam.

"Will you be okay?" Sam asked, starting to slightly worry again.

Dean sensed this in the question and smiled a weak smile at him.

"Maybe not for a while but I will be, don't worry" he assured him truthfully.

"You know that means nothing Dean -- I'll still worry."

"Yeah well you shouldn't! I said I'll be fine and I meant it."

"Sure" Sam said, in an unreadable manner.

Just then, there was a knock on the bunker's door. A loud, yet steady knock.

Sam and Dean exchanged looks with one another.

"I'll get it" Dean sighed but really he couldn't contain his excitement. Every fibre of his being was running to the tiny bit of hope that it was Cas. He prayed silently that it'd be Cas. It had to be him.

As Dean climbed the steps of the bunker towards the door, two steps at a time he realised his heart was beating faster and faster in his chest.
Excitement and anxiety was what he put it down to in his head.
Before opening the door he looked back at Sam who held a gun in his hand aimed towards the door but when he saw Dean, he nodded, as a sign telling him he was ready to do this.

Dean went for it -- he opened the door.

Of course it was who he expected.. Castiel!


"Dean", he said it like he usually did. Not a question, not a remark or greeting, more like some kind of unreadable reply of a sort.

"What are you doing here? Sam told me everything."

Cas nodded, no smile on his lips or anything, yet it was still breathtaking to look at.

"I thought he would. I just didn't think it'd be so quick."

"Yeah well that's-"

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