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Sam felt so confused and upset. Why was Dean so mad with him and what the hell was going on? Why couldn't he remember things like his girlfriend and Dean's boyfriend, Cas?
He couldn't believe that Dean and Cas were a thing now. Didn't he used to joke about it all the time? He couldn't remember, his memory had really gotten that bad.

He found himself at a open all night diner that looked like something out of the 1950's. He took a seat towards the left handside, at the very back booth with only a table and two seats to it's name. It was more than enough for Sam.
He put his hands in his jeans to find his wallet. Taking it out and laying it on the table he found he had over $50 which wasn't too bad.
He felt like a stranger every where, it was as if he could remember the main things; like Dean being his brother and his job but not anything else in between. What was up with that?? He badly needed some answers but he didn't know where to go find them or who he could ask. He knew Dean and Cas needed some space right now, after all it was their anniversary... At least that's what Dean had said right?
Sam didn't know many people but he knew if he ever needed help he could always count on his father-figure, Bobby Singer.

He took his cell out of his jacket pocket and scrolled through the contacts list. He saw the names; Dean, Charlie, Cas, Dad, Adam, Jo, Ellen, Jess, Chuck, Kevin and there at the end was Bobby. He pressed the call button and held the phone to his ear.
Half of them were dead he knew but he just couldn't bring to himself to delete them. Unbeknown to Dean.. sometimes he left voice messages to Jess, Charlie and Dad. Sometimes apologising for everything that happened, other times just telling them how he was doing etc. It felt nice, though it didnt syop him from crying when he remembered they were dead and probably never coming back.

God how he really wanted to get some answers and if anyone could help Sam knew it would be Bobby.


"Yeah! Hey Bobby, it's me, Sam?"

"Oh Sam! Sam! How great to hear from you, these days you're always so busy with what's her face? Jade? Julie? No no Jay!! That's her name. Well how's it going son?"

"It's eh... I mean I'm not... it's really complicated Bobby, it's like I don't know who the hell I am anymore and nothing really makes sense and I-"

"Wait, are you in a midlife crisis kinda thing?"

"What? NO! No, it's nothing like that. No, Bobby listen to me, this morning I woke up and I barely remembered anything. This girl, Jay, who claims to be my girlfriend was lying beside me and I didn't even know it?? I mean how long have we been going out? I only met her today. And then I found out that Dean and Cas are a thing? Remember when we used to joke about that Bobby? And now it's real?"

"Sam hold on, you're scaring me son. You mean to tell me that you don't remember anything?"

"Well, yes and no. I know my name, I remember who you and Dean are and Cas too. I just can't remember things in between like where I am or how I got there. Weird right?"

"Nope, not weird, sounds to me like this has something of the supernatural tied to the end of the string. I mean think about it, what else could it be?"

"I don't know Bobby,you got me there I guess" Sam confessed.

"Well let's start at the beginning. Before you woke up what was the last thing you remember? Like what did you do the night before?"

"I eh I can't remember, last night feels like 5 years ago."

"Huh. Well this might be a problem. Have you told Dean about this yet?"

"Well no, I didn't get a chance to. He threw me out after I apparently let him down."

"Oh right, tonight's his two year anniversary with Cas. This night is really important to him Sam. I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later. But right now you're no good on your own. Why don't i come get you and we'll figure this out together? Where are you?"

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