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Dean didn't know what the hell was up with Sam these days. Some days he could have sworn things were looking up at last, that things were finally going to be okay but obviously not. How could Sam do this to him? I mean he knew Sam had some issues most likely, he carried enough crap each day but still...

Dean sighed a little. He was still holding the brown paper shopping bags full to the brim with vegetables, egg, meats and other weird stuff Sam had requested he'd need.
Dean had trusted him to pick a good dish that both he and Cas would enjoy, I mean was that too much to ask? One small meal? Sighing again, Dean dropped the bags beside his messy bed, the one Sam had slept in. This wasn't his day, it wasn't going the way he wanted it to go!! 

He sat down on the end of the bed and took a moment to cool down. 

"It's okay, Dean, it's okay calm yourself just think think think. It's not too late" he said to himself but then blushing because he felt weird for doing so.
Who talks to themselves out loud he wondered before the words "Oh right-- me apparently" slipped out of his mouth. 

He put his head in his hands, perphaps he just needed a quick minute to think about what he could do to make this night special. A few ideas popped in his head but they weren't what Cas would have liked, he knew that deep down. 

Taking his phone out from his black, leather jacket, Dean Winchester called the number. He booked what needed to be booked and set to fixing the room. The mirror caught with his reflection and he realised he needed to fix himself up too. It was already 6pm and time was running out, Cas said he'd be there by 8 and he was still a hot mess, yikes!!

He dashed around the room, opening windows to freshen up the room a little and making the messy bed.
He put everything in place so it looked like something even those house nannies on TV wouldn't be able to question. Dean couldn't help but smile a small toothy grin at how nice he'd managed to clean up the place. 

Suddenly remembering the roses that Sam had put in his night stand drawer, sealed with a brown paper bag, Dean reached to get them.
He was going to try so make this date perfect if it was the last thing he would do and so help anyone who tried to stand in his way.
Cas was his baby, he deserved to be treated like royalty by his boyfriend at the least... 

The roses were sprinkled near the door of the hotel, on the carpet that seperated Sam and his bed apart and on his own bed.
He thought it made the room look good and he knew that roses were Cas' favourite flower. Because of this alone, they were his too. 

The water for the shower was hot. He felt like it was the first time in ages he'd had a proper, steaming hot shower. The water gushed all over him, giving him a wonderful, powerful sensation. He brushed at the grubbiness on his upper body and made sure to get everywhere else scrubbed to the max.
He just wanted to look great, just for Cas. After he was sure his body looked at the least - presentable, he worked on his hair next. It wasn't even that bad he noticed, as he began to scratch at it hard with the soap. Rinsing all the suds off, he reached out to grab the towel he left on the sink. His body felt hot and light, something it's never really quite felt after a shower. 

Dean had already picked out the clothes he'd wear for tonight a few weeks ago with Bobby. Bobby had been nice enough to give him a lend of his best suit for the night so Dean was at the most - grateful. Bobby was like a Father to him and he knew he always would be. 

Dean brushed back his hair and stood to admire his work.
Okay he thought I really good, no amazing, god I really clean up nicely when i want to. Everything was perfect. If only Sam had done the dinner it would've been better than taking Cas to some posh restaurant.
Dean knew Cas had bad anxiety and lacked serious social skills. Though who could blame him? People are known to be so cruel to each other that it's actually disgusting to watch sometimes. Dean had always made sure to try not to go anywhere that would make Cas uncomfortable and if they had to, he'd take care of his boy.
It was job. To take care of him, oh God he loved him. He couldn't wait for him to show up!

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