(13) Gildarts x Reader ~ Another!?

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"ATTENTION, MY CHILDREN," the Guild Master yells over the loud guild hall. He's standing on the balcony of the S-Class floor.

"I'm sorry, Cana. We'll have to continue this conversation later," (Y/n) apologizes before walking up the staircase to join her husband beside the Guild Master.

"But...," the young brunette dips her head in disappointment.

All the guild members remain silent as their Guild Master talks about the guild's annual tradition: the S-Class Mage Promotional Trials. He explains how selected Fairy Tail mages of remarkable abilities are given a chance to become an elite S-Class Mage: a position worthy of their exceptional magical prowess.

Makarov then goes into detail about the rules, partnering, and the trials the candidates will be undergoing to test their skills and competence. After all the explains is done, Master Makarov pulls out a list and reads off eight names of the candidates chosen for this year's trials.

"Natsu Dragneel. Gray Fullbuster. Cana Alberona. Levy McGarden. Elfman Strauss. Juvia Lockser. Freed Justine. And Mest Gryder," the older male lists. Exclamations of relief and celebration come in one after another when the selected mages hear their names read off the page.

Erza, Mirajane, Gildarts and (Y/n) are revealed to be the three different S-Class mages to try and stop the candidates from reaching their destination. Confused murmurs spread around when the mages here four names revealed, but only three of the elites were going to be stopping them.

"Gildarts and (Y/n) will be together, of course. As much as many of you will think of that to be unfair, but only one will be fighting. They are both coming with us as a little, relaxing vacation to spend some times without their kids. I expect no complaints," Makarov clarifies, getting sighs of relief as well as panic stricken faces.

The husband and wife are both extremely skilled and powerful mages. Many people worship their skills and always ask for either one of them, or sometimes both, to help with a problem when they put out a job request. Having to face one of them is more than a simple walk in the park.

Makarov dismisses the mages and everyone returns to their previous activities. The selected candidates begins to immediately chose the "perfect partner" for the trials. From the S-Class floor, the eight candidates are running around like a chickens with their heads cut off.

Natsu continues to decline mages asking to be his partner, having already chosen Happy the second he heard his name. Gray teams up with Loke, much to Lucy's surprise. Levy and Gajeel team up and Elfman asks Evergreen to help him. Lissana becomes Juvia's partner, much to Juvia's disappointment. The water mage wanted to team up with "Gray-sama" instead, but didn't complain...much. Freed asks his fellow teammate, Bickslow, to assist him in the trials. Mest kindly requests for Wendy to help.

Cana looks around the guild hall, trying to find someone the be her partner. She eventually spots Lucy and the two become partners. Unbeknownst to the blonde mage, Cana's main intention to win the trials is to become stronger and finally confess information to someone she's been trying to gain the attention of. Lucy is eventually informed of the secret about Cana's real father and taken back, but becomes more determined to help her friend to pass the S-Class Mage Promotional Trials.

~Time Skip~ Natsu and Gildarts are fishing while Happy and Reader are watching

Sitting on an edge, fishing, Natsu and Gildarts fish while Happy "watches" over the previously caught fish. (Y/n) sits beside her husband and lies her head on his shoulder. She's been so busy with her twins and had yet to have a break until now. Gildarts and Natsu casually talk while (Y/n) quietly hums to herself. Cana didn't manage to become an S-rank mage, but was thinking of telling her father the truth anyways.

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