Chapter forty-four

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***Nikki's POV***

"What type of interests do you think they're going to have?" Luke mumbled. We were laying on his bed, my back pressed against his chest as we were in a spooning position. His hands rubbed circles into my stomach, every few seconds there'd be a small kick from one of the babies.

"I think that our little girl will be a little princess,"

"Aha, like daddy's little princess, eh?" Luke asked.

"Exactly," I chuckled, lightly running my hands through his hair, "She'll love all things girly, but will also like alternative music and sports. Then our like boy... He'll be a flat out rocker. And I'm sure he'll take after his dad and will be a complete heartbreaker."

We talked about our futures until our stomachs felt sick from laughing. It was incredible to be in this completely relaxed state where we could talk about growing old together, and it didn't feel weird or awkward. It felt... right.

"Nik, I hate to leave you. Like I hate too since we're having such a lovely time. But Ashley has an appointment in about an hour." He whispered, moving his body away from mine, and off the bed. "I am so sorry, babe."

Slowly I sat up in the bed, which as of late has become harder due to the vast size of my stomach. It was a bittersweet concept. I was overjoyed to know that the babies were growing and that as my stomach grew larger and larger, we're growing closer and closer to the delivery date; while on the other hand I was becoming a whale with legs. "It's fine."

A grunt came from his direction as I walked out of the room. "Don't just say you're fine please, that's like girl code for I am not fine!"

Turning around in the doorway from the room into the hall, I stuck my hip out to the side. Resting one hand on top of it. "Well, what do you want me to say? Yeah sure, I am upset that you have to go the girl I've hated my whole life's prenatal appointment, which is for the baby you and her are having together. Alongside all of that, you and I are in a relationship, and I'm also pregnant with your children. I think it's perfectly understandable that I'd be upset by this. But I'll get over it and get used to it; this is real life, and if I want to be a significant part of your life I need to come to accept that there are a few things that I don't want that are attached to the deal, it's like cable television bundles."

"You know it could not even be mine."

"Luke! You can't say that it's extremely rude. She said it was yours, and plus, that'd be a huge lie to tell."

"Oh come one Nikki, you can't look me in the eye and say that the thought of the kid not being mine never crossed your mind. You know how Ashley was, and I guess in some ways still is. Even though she's pregnant, that doesn't mean she's stopped her pursuits for men."

"I guess..." I was defeated with my answer, it only coming out as a weak whisper.

"It's not that crazy when you think about it. It's like the plot line for every teen novel. Also, you can see the desire behind doing something like that. She saw this guy who she'd slept with, all over the news because he'd recently become famous, she fell pregnant and went after the man with the money." I was flabbergasted by his words.

"Hell, there's a chance that the kids you're carrying might not even be mine."

The shock that struck me along with his comment, "Are you f*cking serious right now? Luke how in gods name could you say something like that?"

"Oh come one Nik, don't act like you're all innocent and stuff. We both know you've slept with more people than just me. Need I remind you that you technically slept with Ashton twice. And I'm sure you slept with that Tyler guy as well. No one stays with someone for that long if they're not f*cking."

"You're sick, Luke. I never slept with Tyler, honestly I hardly even touched him. Need I remind you that my lack of sexual favors towards him was his reason for hitting me?" I was fuming at this point. Red face, tears, steam spilling from my ears, the whole nine yards.

His face sank. All color draining from it, making him look like he'd seen a ghost. And I guess he did in some ways. He'd seen the ghost of the not so distant past.

"Just when I thought everything was going perfectly, it all had to crash and fall out from under me like a broken glass floor. I can't believe what you just accused me of. Go to Ashley's appointment, while you're there maybe ask her to get a paternity test!" I didn't want to look at his face for another second. Saying I was mad would be a total understatement. I was hurt for the most part, though, and wounds take time to heal...

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