Chapter thirty-seven

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A/N: The pic above is one I took at the 21 pilots on april 1... Best night of my life.

***Nikki's POV***

In the morning, my body felt slightly numb, from a mixture of dehydration and depressive state I was in.

You know that feeling of semi-consciousness where you're able to think things out and hear things around you, yet you're not awake or able to feel things. Good, well that's where I was at the moment. But as I began to regain full consciousness, my body quickly became aware of the dip on the other side of the queen sized bed signaling that there was another body there.

Sitting up in the bed, I turned to see who was asleep beside me. My heart rate picked up and my stomach became airy at the sight next to me.

His lips were slightly parted in a way that made him look innocent and youthful. His hair that usually stood tall was now limp, framing his face.

I stood and stared at him, my mouth agape in the awe of his beauty. I was lost for words and thought. After last night, I had honestly thought that the only time I'd ever see him would be at Ashley's hip, and here he was in my bed. Luke was in bed next to me.

Every few seconds his eyelashes would flutter, leading me to believe that he was dreaming. And through it, I simply stared and soaked up every ounce of him that I could get. It was only when I continued to examine his every being that I noticed the long throw pillow that was placed perfectly in the middle of the bed - separating us.

At that realization, my heart fell a tiny bit, but it didn't fully falter. I was still riding on the high of Luke coming to sleep in the same bed as me - meaning he's more comfortable doing that then sleeping with Ashley - instead of the couch.

I - as best I could - shifted in the bed so that I could grab my cell phone. But I was having a hard time due to being pregnant. As I was becoming exceedingly frustrated with my bodies inability to grab my phone off the bedside table, an arm reached across my body and grabbed it for me.

Handing my phone over to me, Luke awkwardly didn't make eye contact with me as I took it on the receiving end.

Luke let out a short gruff cough before finally speaking, "You're starting to have some trouble physically now, hunh?"

"Yeah..." I honestly didn't know what to say. Obviously, there were a million things I wanted to talk to him about but how could I know? He made it clear that we were just two people who would need to be civil towards each other, "I guess you could say that."

"How are the babies?" He awkwardly asked.

"They're fine. I had a doctor's appointment about a week ago. I got a couple pictures printed..." the air was suffocatingly awkward as we talked, "you can have a copy if you'd like?"

"Yeah, that'd be good. Then I can photocopy one for my mum." I just nodded along with what he had said, before the room was once again filled with silence and our bodies rested stiffly on the bed.

I took a quick glance at my phone to see what time it was, 9:35. Everyone else in the house was probably getting up by now, and starting to eat breakfast. Which was sounding like a really good idea at the moment.

Once again I began to shuffle in the bed in an attempt, this time, to actually get out of it. Of course, this time, it showed to be much easier since I was actually getting up and out.

"I'm sorry I came and slept in here, it's just um... Ashley was jet lagged and wasn't one-hundred percent ready to go to sleep, and her being so far along in her pregnancy she gets angry easily. So she didn't want me there last night, and I didn't know where else to come but here... But I uh... I had put a pillow between us so like I wouldn't cuddle you or something in my sleep." I chuckled awkwardly.

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