I am a collection of paradoxes

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I am a collection of paradoxes.
Having a lot of faith in everyone
for someone who doesn't trust easily at all,
wanting everyone's approval all the time
for someone who can't seem to care,
sadly optimistic on most days
for someone who thinks all life will end in oblivion so why bother,
strangely scared of the monstrosities of the dark
for someone who finds so much solace in it,
petrified of crossing the street without looking
for someone who daydreams about not having to live.
I am a collection of paradoxes.

"I'm almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes."
-Ferdinand de Saussure
I think everyone on here has heard this quote, and if you haven't, this poem is essentially based on it. I read the sentence "I'm a collection of paradoxes" and just started writing without anything specific in mind.]

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