I should've known

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He took my heart and my hand,
whispered all his secrets in my ear.
In retrospect, he told me too many, and I should've known better.

He told me of the adventures we'd go on together,
the seas we'd go across, the continents we'd travel.
He had too many dreams, and I should've known better.

He told me to pack my bags for Paris because he wanted to paint,
we'd see the city together, he just knew he'd make it big.
He was too ambitious, and I should've known better.

He said he loved me, and his paintings could not capture how beautiful I was,
but not once was I allowed near the paint or the canvas.
He loved them all too much, and I should've known better.

He said he'd found a job but it wasn't near me,
He said he'd come back for me and I believed him too easy.
He had madness in his eyes, and I should've known better.

The letter came three months later with sloppy writing and careless packaging,
He told me he couldn't come and he'd never-never-forget me.
He was all too passionate, but not for me, and I should've known better.

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