Paper cuts

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My favorite book
is a leather bound
piece of art,
my love.

it's marked everywhere,
margins scribbled,
sentences underlined,
a coffee spill, a water ring.

it looks like it's destroyed,
it looks like it's been loved.
Every paper cut from it
marks more memories,
every time it made me cry,
gets me closer to it.

and that's when it started,
this need to be destroyed,
It touches deeper
than your bliss.

Nothing hits deeper
than the breakdowns
and wishing I was either dead
or with you one more time.

Not the happiness of seeing you again,
Not the laugh from your words.
Nothing makes me feel more
than going through hell with you.

My papers rip me apart,
leaves me in pieces,
make me read them
over and over again,

They give me paper cuts
before they give me respite,
and only the endless agony
brings me back again.

If you loved me,
you'd destroy me,
like I've been loved,
like I deserve to be.

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