• Chapter 8 •

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I heard the door to the locker room being knocked on when I seen Charlotte get up to answer it. An WWE official stood there, talking with her. She nodded, turned to everyone, and announced, "Hey, Britt, this guy needs you real quick."

I was confused as to why this stranger wanted me, but I got up, anyways, and made my way to the door. I didn't even turn to say my goodbyes to them when they shut the door behind me leaving with this man.

"There's two gentlemen here that want to see you," the WWE official told me, which only confused me more. "They're in the room down the hall, last door to your right. You think you can make it there on your own?"

I nodded and started to make my way down to where he said these two gentlemen were. I didn't ask questions, but I sure wanted to know who it was. It's probably just a huge set-up or something stupid. I don't know just yet, though, of course.

I found the selected door the man had just told me about, so I thought it through first before I began to knock on it. I didn't hear anything, so I tried the doorknob and it was unlocked. I took an easy step inside and was greeted by pure darkness. Nothing was in sight that I could see. That's when the door was being slammed behind me, which I didn't do at all. What the seriously fuck is going on right now?!

"Mmhahahahaha," a deep voice laughed in the room, which made me sweat more.

"AJ? I swear to God, if that's you, you're dead! Do you hear me, Styles? You're dead because I'm going to kill you, myself!" I started to threaten the voice within this darkness. If AJ's trying to pull a prank on me, then he's dead as soon as these lights come back on!

"You scared you? Haha!" the voice continued to laugh. At this point, I think I should just a take a chance and take a hit. So, that's what I do near where I think the voice is coming from and I nail whoever it is. "Ow! Dammit, Britt, calm down! It's just me!"

"Me, who?!" I demanded to know, not letting my shield down.

"Calm down, I'm getting the lights," a new voice said, which confirmed the two men. The lights flashed on and I only turned my head only a little to see the two men. I nudged my elbow right in one of their stomachs and he fell over, clutching it.

"You ass-clowns! You scared the living hell out of me! Who do you think you are?!" I exclaimed, blowing up on them. The other man checked on his friend on the ground.

"Well," the hurt bald man coughed out, "I'm Karl Anderson and that is Luke Gallows. We're supposed to be your friends, Britt, but you hurt me, so I don't know if I want to be friends with you anymore."

I smiled down at my two old friends, both similar because they're bald, and giggled, "Awe, guys, I've missed you, too!"

Luke grinned, but Karl rolled his eyes towards me. Luke helped Karl up, so they could stand up next to each other. Everything was going as planned, as I can see now. It's going to be better now.

"Well, we've missed you, too, but we didn't think you would go all weird like you did just then," Luke pointed out, gesturing towards me. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing," I shrugged and made my way over to them. "Just hasn't been my day or anything lately, so... Y'know?"

They both shrugged, but it was Karl who asked next: "So, how in the world is it like for people to cheer for you and AJ? That's gotta be weird, especially for you since you've been always been a heel."

He couldn't be more right. "Yeah, but they only notice AJ out there, not me," I pointed out, which seemed to be the closest thing to the truth possible.

"No way in hell you should let that happen," Karl pointed out and actually seemed to start smiling, despite his new injury. "You know who you are, Britt, and is not no goody-too-shoes ass-kisser. You're Eliza London, for God's sake, and all the years I have known you – you have never been the good guy anywhere you have been."

I shrugged and replied, "I know, but they seem to just love AJ over here, so that must mean I'm a good guy, too."

Luke leaned up and extended his pointed finger, but to nowhere in particular. "Well, here we are. Time to make history," he assured me with a grin. "What you say, Britt?"

An evil grin slowly began to play among my lips and I put my fist out in the middle like we were The Shield or something. "If anyone asks, I don't know who the hell you guys are," I reassured them with a wink and that's when our fists met in the middle. "What's the agenda tonight, guys?"

"The Usos will be taken out," Karl answered, using his hand to represent cutting his neck. "For good. You in, Bullet Babe?"

I nodded and we all came to an understanding. This was step one towards business when it's about to be picking up. Yes, the Bullet Babe is back in business!

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