(10) Gray x Strauss!Reader ~ Wait!

Start from the beginning

"Ok, listen up! Lucy and Elfman will patrol the East side of the village. Gray and (Y/n) will cover the West side. Natsu and I will cover the North side and Happy will fly above the South side. If anything happens or the monsters are spotted, shoot a flare into the sky. It's dark right now, so the flares are going to be easily spotted. Any questions?"

Elfman complains about being separated from (Y/n), saying that he's "manly enough to protect her", but Erza immediately shakes her head.

"You and your sister both use Take Over (Beast Soul) magic. Separating you two into different pairs will be more effective than putting you together."

Elfman opens his mouth to retaliate, but stops when he feels a soft tug on his sleeve. He looks slightly down to see (Y/n) hugging him tightly.

"Don't worry, Elf-nii. Nothing bad will happen. Even if something does, Gray will help me!" (Y/n) puts on a heartwarming smile and squeezes her brother in assurance.

The twins hug each other once more before parting to their assigned sections. Elfman turns to look at Gray, nodding at him. Gray returns the nod, understanding what he means, before he takes (Y/n) towards the West section.

~Time Skip~

"Beast Arm: Iron Bull!"

"Ice make: Lance!"

Gray and (Y/n) cast their magic one spell after another, trying to kill off the seemingly infinite numbers of monsters that are running at them. The others were more fortunate and only dealt with a few or none. Erza had discovered the monsters' territory and went to destroy it with Natsu, Elfman, and Lucy.

After an hour, the waves of monsters died down until they eventually stopped coming. Gray and (Y/n) are exhausted and their magic power is drained. Silence falls between the two of them before Gray decides to start a conversation. They engage in small talk at first and talk their way into lengthy discussions. 

"So...do you like anyone, (Y/n)?"

The question catches (Y/n) off guard and she almost chokes on her own saliva. She gulps nervously and looks away from Gray. "Yea," she says.

"Oh, cool." Gray hadn't expected her to answer 'yes' and his heart sinks a bit. A part of him hopes that the special person is him, but he knows that his chance of b into that person is small. He knows that (Y/n) sees him as a close friend, but he wants to be more than that.

"Who is it," he pushes. Gray doesn't want to be nosy or pry into her personal business, but he's desperate for a name.

"You," (Y/n) whispers in a tone so quiet, Gray can barely tell she even spoke. But he heard.

"I-I....uh....r-really?" Gray curses at himself for stuttering in front of (Y/n) and puts on a serious face to try and stop himself from stumbling over his words any further. (Y/n) misinterprets his reaction and feels heartbroken.

For many years, she's been harboring feelings for the ice-make mage, but has never been brave enough to say anything. Her three siblings had figured it out for a long time, but said nothing to Gray in respect for their sister. The reaction to her answer leaves (Y/n) sad, but she has no control over who he loves and respects him no matter who that person is.

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