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Sorry for different P.O.V. changes but there's only going to be Paige twice, Niall, Scott, Eleanor, and someone else but I guess you can know who it is... Seriously guys thank you sooo much for all of the reads, votes and comments! It really means a lot to me :) And I will have the sequel part of the book because I want it to have more reads. And before I write the 2nd book, I have to edit the rest of this one so once I do, I'll write the first chapter. Last chapter everybody :( Hope you enjoy.


Paige's P.O.V.

After breaking my kiss with Niall, Harry started slowly going over towards a struggling Louis. His face was red with anger who his eyes were red and his hamds were trying to reach for me. I lacked up to Nialls chest as much as I could. He wrapped his arms around my waist protectively and kissed the back of my head softly.

"I believe this belongs to me..." Harry said as he grabbed the crown that has managed to stay on his head.

Louis was struggling from the chains and Harry just laughed as Calum, Aston and Luke's grip got tighter. Zayn, Scott, Ed, Eleanor and Perrie came over to hs now. I know Harry hated the crown to wear but he probably did it on purpose just to piss Louis off. And boy... did it work all right.

"So what now. You can't kill me and if you kill me... you'll kill Eleanor as well since we're mates." Pretty much everybody gasped and had their mouths open at Louis statement. I, on the other hand, already knew this since Louis was the first one to tell me. But Louis was right... what the hell are we going to do?

"And a mate in the beginning, can't be away from each other for a long time either..." Harry said and we nodded.

"So what are we going to do now?" Eleanor spoke up, her voice cracking at the end. We all looked at each other nervously... wondering who would speak up first. But I heard someone clear their throat and I realized that it was Scott.

"Well the only thing we can do for one of them not to die is to make sure there with each other at all times. So sadly... Eleanor can be locked up with Louis. But she can roam around freely as much as she likes and not be away from him within a twenty four hour period... but she can never leave him." He said sadly, looking down at the ground most of the time.

I took a glance over at Eleanor and saw that she had tears streaming down her face and kept whipping them away constantly, sniffles coming from her nose. I slowly walked over to her and held my arms out and she didn't hesitate to run into them, almost tackling me onto the floor but I kept my balance. But I kept my balance as I wrapped my arms around her more tightly. Louis was just standing there as the guards were holding them, with a smirk clearly written all over his face. Then Eleanor slowly went to hug everybody and they told her reassuring things and Perrie was the sweetest out of all of them. I didn't even have the courage to say anything.

"You'll get through this El. And no matter what I'll always be there for you and so will Paige, Niall, Zayn and I." She said as she rubbed circles on her back.

"Hey what about me?!" Scott shouted with a pout and crossed his arms. We all chuckled softly while Louis on the other hand just rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance.

"And you too Scott..." Perrie said with a giggle.

I smiled as I saw Eleanor smile, since she hasn't done that in a long time and she whiped the tears away from her eyes. We all were staring at Ed now... waiting to hear his response. But he was actually just staring at the ground with his hands stuffed into his pockets, rubbing his foot against a leaf. We were all waiting patiently for Ed to realize what was going on and Louis sighed angirly. We bettee get things going before Louis goes on one of his rampages. I heard Louis snicker quietly, but only loud enough for me to hear, making me roll my own eyes. Ed finally, but slowly, looked up from the ground in realization of whst was going on...

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