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THERE'S FINALLY A TRAILER FOR THIS STORY! Not the best but I did try my hardest. I'm still trying to make my way through editing and finding out more stuff about it but iMovie updated where you can make these theaterical trailers and I am just so excited because I can finally make my own and do them for future stories! And it's definitely not easy, jesus. Took me literally three hours to finish this damn thing and it is currently one thirty in the morning where I am. Please tell me what you think and give feed back on what you think and any tips for those who knows how to makes these things so that my story is even better! IM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED AREN'T YOU GUYS?! AGH and no this is not an update, and I'll get to the sequel really soon guys I just absolutely can't think of ANYTHING to write so if you give me some ideas, I'll start writing it again ASAP.  love you guys so much and think we can get this story to 100,000 plus reads?! That is literally my goal and with all your help, I hope I can achieve it. Thank you guys for the reads, votes and comments and if you haven't gotten to it yet, read my new stories! Possessive is a Liam fanfic where he's famous and kidnaps a girl for his own needs. (I really like writing it. There's a lot of drama and shit that goes on there.) And read my Niall fanfic, Cell Phone Swap! Though I haven't updated it in a while, I'll get to it soon enough when I have the chance. But anyways... YAY THERE'S A TRAILER! Just a little update of what's been going on and thank you so much again and I love you all (always) <3

Love, Zoe :) 

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