Unexpected Surprises and Flashbacks

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Paige's P.O.V. (Paige on the side----)

As I was walking through the streets of London, I tugged my black leather jacket closer to my body as the winds grew stronger. There were other people roaming around, not really talking. They were just walking and pushing, trying to get to their destination. The only thing you can hear were ear piercing screams coming from humans getting sucked dry in deserted ally ways by cold, heartless vampires.

Let me explain, the Vampires took over the human race around the year of 2760. (It was now currently the year of 2794) It was a really horrible day. It was the day I lost the people I loved, including my parents and my best friend... I will never forget. It's literally glued into my mind forever. I never saw my best friend, Niall, again though. They never killed him (and sometimes I still never really understood the reason why they spared his life) I also never even knew whatever happened to him after that day. All I know is that I wasn't the only one that survived because now the people that walk on these streets are human blood bags to these vampires. But in the past, there was someone who saved me though and I will never forget.

*FLASHBACK* (As if it's actually being told to someone)

It was just like any other normal day around the year of 2758. I was only thirteen years old back then, sitting with Niall as we were under the old oak tree in the Regent's park we sat under whenever there was a clear, sunny day in London, which was rare. I raked my hands through the leaves, spreading my arm across and moving it back and forth. I picked up a handful of leaves and started to play with them in my hands, letting each of them fall through my fingers. I let them drop gracefully as the wind carried them downwards as my arms raised as high as they could so I can watch them drop for a longish period of time. I smiled as I looked over into Niall's deep blue, ocean like eyes. 

"Hey Niall?" I asked. He smiled as he turned towards me.


"Can I ask you something?" I asked nervously, my voice cracking slightly for some reason. He chuckled, his adorable laugh getting the best of me which made me crack a smile. Then he nodded before flashing me a smile, which made me grin.

"You can ask me anythin', love." He said with wonderful Irish accent that always sounded like music to my ears. It just made me so happy for some odd reason. I have also always loved when he called me love, even if it was a British thing.

"Um well... you have to promise me something." I said as I sat up and leaned more up against the tree. He grinned slightly before doing the same thing as well.

"What is it?" He questioned as he slung his arm around both of my shoulders.

"That... That we'll stay friends no matter what happens between us." I stuttered, making him laugh. All he did was grin widely as he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his large, slightly muscular arms around my small, fragile body. 

"Of course Paige. I would never leave you. Friends forever and always." Then we got up and just as we were about to do our little handshake like we always do (video on the side). Once finished, I felt hands being wrapped around my hips tightly, pulling me away from him with full force. I knew it obviously wasn't Niall since I was staring right at him.

"LET GO OF ME!" I shouted at the mysterious person, with tears streaming down my face. The mystery guy behind me chuckled and then came closely to my ear.

"No one can help you now sweetheart." He replied with a sickly sweet voice that made shivers go down my spine.

He spun me arounnd to see the view of people being dragged on the ground and not just any ordinary people, they just so happened to be my parents lifeless bodies laying there along with my little sister, Bella. Niall was thrashing around in the other guys grasp and I watched with tears in my eyes as there were two other vampires dragging their bodies away.

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