Boyfriends and Girlfriends Worry For Each Other

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Niall's P.O.V.

I ran my hands through my hair and gripped onto as many stands as I could tightly while pacing back and forth in our room. It's been two hours and I have no idea where Paige is and what Harry is doing to her and part of me also never wants to know what he's doing to her. My thoughts were immediately interrupted by the slamming of a door and I snapped my head towards it to see Paige in Harry's arms, out cold and I looked up at him to see that he had a smirk on his face. Oh how I fucking wish to slap that smirk off his face as well as snap his neck for what he did to Paige. But he would probably kill me before I could even get my hands on him.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" I shouted, with my fists clenched to my sides as I see Harry place Paige gently onto the bed. It made me raise an eyebrow as I realized what he was doing. I just found it odd how he was treating her at the moment but I wasn't going to say a word about it.

"She'll tell you once she wakes up."

With that, he left and slammed the door behind him. She groaned slightly at the sound of the door as she put her hand over her head before turning. I took a deep breath as I looked over at Paige; then a frown on my face. God, I felt so bad for her and I still have no idea what even happened. The way she looks, her face flushed slightly and she had dried up tear stains on her cheeks. I went over towards the bed and carefully sat down next to her. I gently brushed my hair across her cheek and trailed my hand down to the very end of the strand of her hair and started twirling it with my finger. My thoughts were interrupted by the door flying open… almost literally and there stood Liam… Liam?? I narrowed my eyebrows and thought why the hell he was here. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, basically echoing my own thoughts while crossing my arms over my chest. I shifted my weight to one side so i fixed my position on the bed so that I could be seeing Liam face to face.   

"I know King Harry won't like this but I'm going to tell you what he has done to her." He said, pointing his finger out at Paige. I pushed Paige slightly behind me, even though she was still asleep and none of this was going to affect her but just incase. I don't know why but I felt like I should be protecting her even though I was never really afraid of Liam. He wouldn't even hurt a fly.   

"All right…" I said, with my voice cracking slightly. I cleared my throat before saying something else again.   

"Explain…" I said wearily, not really sure if I want to hear what he did to her or not. He sighed before leaning his back up against the door before he started to tell me everything.   

*15 minutes later*   

My mouth was literally hanging open after Liam's explanation. Harry pretty much raped her and tortured her! How could he do such a thing?! How the hell did he know this stuff? I guess maybe he told everybody what he did or heard King Harry mention it. I suddenly felt myself getting angrier and angrier at the thought of Harry touching my Paige. Whoa, wait a minute… my Paige? Where the hell did that come from? But then suddenly I clenched my fists and ran up towards Liam and clenched my hand around his throat, pinning him up against the wall. I know it doesn't affect us vampire's but it just makes us feel slightly uncomfortable. His eyes widened at the sudden action then I suddenly felt my fangs popping out slightly as well as my eyes turning red.   

"IF YOU KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM?!" I literally screamed in his face. He was trying to wriggle out of my grasp by putting both of his hands on top of mine, trying to take it off his neck but I only gripped it tighter slightly. He wasn't getting away that easily.   

"I-I couldn't! Even if I did, he would've probably killed me! A-A-And that would have been a really… really bad idea." He said, struggling to try to calm him self down. I titled my head to the side in confusion, my demon side going away slightly. But wow, Liam was scared of me for once. This is new.   

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