Scott's Flashback and Breaking the Rules

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Paige's P.O.V.

"All right Paige, you have nothing else to do until tomorrow." Louis said as he started to shoo me away. I nodded and a small smile formed on my face. Thank god because I was really tired.

"Yes your majesty." He smirked before snapping his fingers and Scott was at my side. I smiled as we were heading down the hallway. I can finally talk to him while I still can.

"Hi Scott..." I trailed off and he smiled warmly.

"Hey Paige... you know once all of this ends, we should really just have a day to talk and get to know each other better. I know I really shouldn't be talking to you at all but I can give two shits about what Louis says."

"Even though he does have the power to kill us all..."

"Yeah... then there's that..." He says and we both chuckle slightly.

We were silent for a couple of minutes until we which the basement. I smiled slightly as I saw that Zayn and Perrie were wrapped in each others arms while they were sleeping. Harry was sound asleep in the corner of his cell with his arms wrapped around his waist. I can hear snores coming from Liam and Eleanor's cell and Niall was sound asleep since he wasn't making any sounds. I smiled widely as Scott opened the cell door and smiled at me before letting me walk in before shutting it behind me.

"Night Scott." I whispered he smiled before waving and nodding his head.

"Night Paige." He replied and I quickly, but quietly, went over towards Niall and saw that he was lying on the floor near the wall. He kept fidgiting slightly but I slowly bent down to him and creased his cheek. He smiled as he yawned before opening his eyes.

"I'm so glad you're here..." He mumbled with a yawn and I chuckled slightly before nodding.

"Me too. Night Niall." I whispered before he pecked my lips and wrapping his arm around me. He had his other arm out across his head so my head was lying on it, kind of like a pillow.

"Night Paige, love you." I was going to mumble i love you too but I feel asleep since I was so tired.

Next Morning...

I groaned and rolled over. But then I yelped as I realized I was a couple of feet in the air and landed on the floor with a thud. What the fuck? Since when I had gone to the bench? I was perfectly comfortable sleeping with Niall in his arms on the floor. I rubbed the back of my head because of the strong impact.

"Are you ok princess?" Niall's voice, speaking so suddenly, made me jump. I turned my head towards him and he had a look of concern on his face.

"Not really... I banged my head on the floor and I was on the bench a couple of seconds ago. How the hell did that happen?" I asked as I slowly sat up and crossed my arms. He sighed before also sitting up and stratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I may or may not have put you on the bench since I thought you looked uncomfortable on the floor." He said looking down to the ground and I sighed. I could never be mad at him for so long.

"That's sweet thanks... But I was farely comfortable in your arms. You didn't have to do that for me." I said and he sighed before standing up and coming over towards me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Sorry I didn't know. But I will definitely know now for next time." He said and I smiled.

"Would you keep it down in there?! I'm trying to sleep!" Harry shouted with an annoyance in his tone and I heard everybody else groan.

"Shut up Harry!" Liam shouted from the other side, making me chuckle slightly.

There was a loud bang of a door and I groaned as I got a slight headache. Who could be wanting us this early? I slowly walked over to the bars and grabbed them so I can keep my balance since I was still tired. Niall came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we looked to see who was coming down. And it was Josh... at least it wasn't Louis, I thought. He had blood bags in his hands and a scowl on his face as he looked in my direction. I can hear Niall growl from behind me and I rubbed his back to try to calm him down.

He sighed angirly before moving his arm to my waist and wrapping it around me slightly tightly but in a protective way. I knew that Niall would never hurt me. I saw Zayn kiss Perrie's forehead as she opened her eyes and they widened as she saw Derek. Derek rolled his eyes before chucking a blood bag at Zayn and then one to Harry. I heard some growling and ripping of bags being open and cringed at the thought of them drinking it. Derek threw one over to Niall and then to Liam. He didn't say anything else before zooming back upstairs. Well... that was strange. But I really couldn't care less.

"What was that all about?" I asked as I stayed where I was since I really didn't want to see Niall drinking blood.

"Why do you even care?" I raised an eyebrow as I realized that was Eleanor's voice. She definitely hasn't spoken even since she was put into the cell. I slowly went up on the bench and shut my eyes since Liam was still drinking his bag.

"I don't know... I guess I'm just curious that's all."

"Well there isn't anything you have to worry about ok? As long as we're fine we don't have anything to worry about."

"You're right El... Thanks."

"Anytime." She said with a smile and I scrunched up my face in pain as I felt cramps in my stomach. Oh not again.

"You done drinking your bag Niall?" I asked as I was still facing the wall while climbing down.

"Yeah, you're in the clear." He chuckled, which made me giggle. I smiled slightly before turning around and hugging him tightly.

"Have you been having any cramps lately?" He asked and I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"No fucking kidding." I said, letting my moods get the best of me. Hopefully this won't happen when I'm around Louis.

"Jeez, sorry I asked..." He mumbled which made me roll my eyes and cross my arms before sitting on the bench.

"Ooo someone's in a mood." Harry laughed from the other side and I groaned.

"Shut up will yeah? You might as well blurt it out to the world why don't yea?" He chuckled slightly then I heard moving. Then I heard the door slam open again and Niall went towards the bars. It was pretty silent besides the stomping of someone's angry footsteps. When I turned my head to the bars instead of staring at the floor, I looked up to see who it was and it was one of the people I really didn't want to see... Josh... just what I need.

"Louis needs you." He said with a motone voice and I rolled my eyes before getting up and started walking towards the bars. Niall growled as he slowly went up towards me but I put my hand on his chest, pushing him back. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"Niall, relax. It's not like there's nothing you can do anyway..." I said angirly and he growled slightly before stepping back, making Josh smirk as Niall sat down on the bench.

I looked behind my shoulder and saw that he was gripping the ends of it hard. I rolled my eyes and turned my head towards Josh. He chuckled darkly before opening up the cell door with the key he took out of his back pocket. He threw the door open harshly and grabbed my hand tightly. I winced slightly and jumped at the sound of the cell doors slammed shut. He pulled me harshly across the hall and started taking me up the stairs. His grip was getting tighter and tighter by the second and I yelped in pain.

"Can you please just fucking let go of me? It's not like I'm going to escape or anything." I said through gritted teeth and he sighed before pushing me in front of him.

"Fine but if you walk out of line, I'm going to make sure you'll be in a lot of pain." He said harshly and I nodded before I slowly started walking in front of him.

"Walk faster..." He mumbled while pushing me again and I sighed angirly before clenching my fists tightly.

"Fuck off." I said and he growled before pushing me again on purpose. I looked over my shoulder and I glared at him before doing what I was told. We walked across the feild to the castle as usually. It was such a long walk it made my feet hurt.

Tripping over my own feet was fun but now I have to face Louis now. I growled slightly at the thought as I slowly walked over towards Louis's throne chair. Derek was standing by his side this time and I looked around to see the gaurds, standing around at different locations of the room.

"Well good morning Paige. I see you have had a good sleep." He said with a smirk tugging at his lips. I groaned and rolled my eyes before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fuck off Louis." I said, my emotions getting the best of me again. My eyes widened in realization as I realized what I had just said to him and I put my hand over my mouth. He sent a glare in my direction before jumping off his chair and zooming towards me, grabbing my chin in his hands and throwing my hand off his mouth.

"Language missy and... Never... EVER... use that tone with me young lady understood?" He asked as he moved his hand down towards my shirt collar and gripped it tightly, while pointing his index finger at me. I gulped before nodding and closed my eyes, not wanting tears to fall down my face. I will not show Louis that I was weak.

"Y-Y-Yes your majesty." I replied and he rolled his eyes before throwing my head to the side, making my neck crack slightly in the process. He clenched his fists slightly as he was walking back towards his throne. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck nervously, wondering what he was going to say to me.

"All right now, first order of business. Since you and Eleanor haven't eatten in a couple of days, I decided to give you a small break and let you eat for once." He said and a smile broke out of my face. Oh thank god! I needed some food!

"Thank you so-" I was about to shout but then he cut me off.

"Ah, ah, ah... not so fast. You have to have chains around your ankles." I groaned and crossed my arms. Ugh, he was acting just like Harry... I thought which made Louis laugh out loud. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

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