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Scott's P.O.V.

I grabbed the arms of the chair I was sitting in right after Paige and Eleanor left. I sighed heavily before running my fingers through my hair and smiling slightly. It felt so good to get those things off my chest. Paige and Eleanor really did look like they were into the story and I was slowly started walking out of the kitchen, I said to myself "What past is the past... What past is... the past." I repeated over and over again. I stuffed my hands in my pocket before walking back towards the throne room and Louis looked at me with a scowl on his face. What? What the hell could I have possibly done? Now I know how Paige feels...

"Speaking of Paige... where the hell is she? I thought when I said that right after she ate, she would immediately come back here, even without me telling her. Now... where. is. she?" He asked through gritted teeth and I gulped nervously. Fuck... I really hope Paige didn't go back to the cells.

"She may or may not have went back to the cells..." I mumbled and he growled before shouting loudly.


I nodded before running towards the stairs as fast as I could so Louis wouldn't have the chance to do anything to me. I sighed in relief as I saw Paige was just heading down the hallway but I grabbed her arm, not tightly, but in a grip where I was taking her back up the stairs.

"Scott... what the fuck?" She asked and I sighed.

"I didn't realize that Louis wanted you right after you have 'eaten' so I'm just taking you there as fast as I can so we don't get in a shit load of trouble." I replied and her eyes went wide before furiously nodding her head. We ran back into the throne room, now panting and Louis had a scowl on his face with his arms crossed.

"Now tell me why would you go somewhere without my permission when I specifically told you to go to the kitchen and come straight back here when your done?" He asked. You can see Paige visibilly gulping down her fear, trying to muster up some courage as she looked down to the ground and rubbed her foot to the ground innocently.

"Scott told me too..." She mumbled and my eyes widened. She ratted me out! That little-

"SCOTT! Luke, Calum, take her to the cells!" He shouted as he was pointing towards Paige.

Her eyes widened as she shook her head furiously back and forth. Before she could run, Luke and Calum grabbed her by her under arms and started dragging her out of the castle. She was kicking her feet in the air and yelling curse words at Louis... which probably wasn't the smartest idea. But he simply ignored her and faced me. I gulped as I saw his eyes turn red and his fists were clenched. This can't be good...

"I know you might think this is stupid but you have to do the consequences for disobeying me. Derek, Josh, take him to the basement. We have some things to take care of..." Louis said calmly but in his demonized voice which was really creeping me out.

Derek, of course had a smirk on his face as he was slowly walking towards me and I was backing up slowly as much as I could. I was suddenly stopped when I bumped into a figure. Looking over my shoulder I could see Josh. I swirled around and started backing up again. I felt my hands starting to sweat out of habit I have whenever I get nervous. Then I felt hands grab my shoulders, which made me jump slightly and I looked behind my shoulder once again to see Derek... shit. I tried kicking Josh like Paige had done even though she was only kicking the air but Josh grabbed a tight hold of my ankles and they lifted me up in the air and started to carry me out of the throne room as I was struggling in their tight grips.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I shouted and I can hear Louis laugh as they were quickly dragging me out to get me out of there.

"Oh I can... and I will." He shouted over my voice with another laugh. I was shouting at them to let me go but they weren't even budging.

I tried everything I could but they wouldn't release me which was seriously getting annoying by this point. They dragged me down the hallway and towards a door leading towards a dark a place and I couldn't see a think. But then my strong senses had kicked in and my eyes were getting used to the darkness. All I saw was black brick walls and then I saw an orange light that was behind Derek. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion but then realized it was a torch hanging on a wall and I realized there were multiple ones hanging on opposite sides of each other. I was still struggling as all you can hear was the crackling of the fire, footsteps and Josh and Derek's grunting as they were trying to drag me towards wherever it is they were taking me.

"Stop your moving would yea?! Or the pain we're about to give you is going to be a lot worse!" Derek shouted and I instantly shut my mouth.

When we got to the end of the hallway, Josh flicked on a light switch and there were a bunch of lights pointing into one position, kind of like a spotlight. And que the gasp that had just came out of my mouth. There were chains attached to bars that went from the ceiling to the floor.

"This... is gonna be fun." Derek said as he and Josh lifted me up and started chaining me.

I was struggling even more than I was before but Josh held my ankles tight as Derek got on a chair and started chaining my ankles. What the fuck were they actually going to do to me?! I am being punished for the most stupidest reason in the world.

"LET. GO. OF. ME!" I screamed ans they just laughed.

Josh bent down and started chaining my ankles. I tried to kick him in the face with my foot but he grabbed it and twisted it to the side, making it really painful. I cried out in pain making the both of them laugh. I then slowly deverted my eyes towards Derek. He was slowly walking towards a table that had a lot of stuff on it that I clearly couldn't see. I kept shutting my eyes since there was so much bright light shining down on my eyes. I knew he had a smirk on his face even though he was turned away from me. Josh started backing up slowly as well, pretty much exaiming me from being chained up on the wall. Finally Derek came back into view.

I heard a click of a switch and saw light coming from a stick. My eyes widened as I realized what it was. He had both of his hands clamped on it and a evil smile on his face as he came closer to me and I can finally see him. I gasped as I was right about knowing what it was. It was a tazer...

"Let the fun begin..." And that's when things turned for the worse...

Paige's P.O.V. (before Scott was being dragged to the basement)

"Let me go!" I shouted as I was struggling. We had made it across the field and onto the stair way. I can hear someone shouting for me from in front of me.

"Paige?! Paige!!" I now knew it was Niall, trying to make sure if I was ok but I really wasn't.

Niall raised an eyebrow as Luke and Calum were dragging me to the cell. Everyone else was quiet besides me yelling curse words at them and shouting at them to let go of me. They pushed me into the cell and left without saying a word. Before I could say anything, Niall wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Oh my god Paige! Are you ok? Did they do anything to you? Did Louis do anything to you? Because if he did I swear I'll-" As he was ranting, he was squeezing his arms around my waist tighter, which was making it harder for me to breathe.

"Niall... stop please... you're hurting me." I said. He immediately let go of me and spun me around.

"Oh my god I'm so, so, so, so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you I just-"

"Niall... relax. Everything's fine. Why are you so worked up?" I asked as I held his shoulders so he can face me. He then sighed before answering.

"Sorry I just... I just hate to see you hurt." He said and I felt a smile tug onto the corners of my mouth, slowly forming.

He is the sweetest thing ever. I smiled widely before pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and then we kissed for a couple of seconds. But it was cut off by the sound of someone screaming that can be heard from miles away, which made me jump. I felt brim in my eyes as I realized who it was.

"Scott..." I barely said above a whisper. I hugged Niall tightly and was crying into his sleeve. This was all my fault.

"Scott?" Niall, Harry, Zayn and Liam asked since all of them can actually hear me. I whimpered and sobbed more as I heard Scott's painful screams. I cringed, wondering what the hell they were doing to him to make him scream so loud. Something painful for sure.

"It's all my fault... it's all my fault!" I mumbled into Niall as tears were rapidaly falling down my face. Niall pulled me away from him as he put his hands on my elbows, making me face him. I kept shaking my head in disbalief, not wanting to know this was real.

"Paige... what happened? And you better tell me everything." He demanded and I choked up a sob before explaining... Once I was done, Niall looked shocked and I bet everybody else did too.

"How could Louis do such a thing? It was only a simple mistake..." Liam trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence. I looked behind me to see Liam grabbing the bars as he was looking into our cell.

"Well... he is Louis... what do you expect?" Zayn asked and another ear peircing scream ran through our ears. Harry covered his ears and started pacing back and forth from what I can see through the little hole.

"Even I wouldn't do something that harsh. It was just a mistake... I would've gotten over it. This is just cruel... whatever it is they are doing to poor Scott down there." Harry said and I nodded in agreement.

Harry was definitely not that cruel. But Louis... his whole body was fulled with evil ruining through his viens. His body was cold and heartless, making sure everybody was in pain and he enjoyed it. It was just sickening. The worst part of it all is that we didn't do what we were told... he would kill us without hesitation. I had suddenly realized that the screaming had finally stopped and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god it was over...

"Finally it's over..." I heard Perrie spoke up for the first time since she was here.

I nodded as I whiped the tears away from my eyes. I slowly sat down on the bench and rubbed my hands over my face. Niall slowly came towards me and wrapped an arm around my waist while his other hand was rubbing my back in slow circles which was definitely comforting me. Once I heard a door slam open, I shot up and went towards the bars and what I saw, made me gasp. My eyes went wide as I realized who it was and it was Scott and Derek. Scott was being dragged shirtless, by Derek, as he was taking him towards the cell opposite side of ours. Derek looked like he was dragging a pratically lifeless body the way he was grasping Scott like that.

Everyone was gasping as they caught of glimsp of Scott and he kept constantly twitching as I heard small sparks pop out from his body. Derek opened the cell door, lifted him up and kicked him in the back, making Scott fall into the cell, not even caring that he's already hurt... that bastard. He slammed the door shut and faced me with a smirk on his face. He also winked at me and waved before slowly walking off on purpose. I can hear Derek laughing evilly before slamming the door shut behind him. I got out of Niall's grip and ran towards the bars, gripping them tightly, letting all of my anger out on the bars. I looked over at Scott sympathetically as he groaned loudly, trying to  attempt to turn to his side.

"Scott! Are you ok?!" I shouted. I even saw at the corner of my eye, I saw Harry and Zayn were looking at Scott through their cells. Zayn stood up on the bench and looked onto his cell and cringed at the sight of him. Scott literally had tears in his eyes and I saw a couple drop to the ground. He didn't even bother trying to whipe them away because of how much pain he was in.

"Shh! Not so loud... Aghhh!!!... Motherfucker..." He cursed as his voice crack at the end, making me chuckle slightly. He sent me a glare with his eyes cold and dark, making me shut up instantly.

"What happened to you?" Harry spoke up and Scott groaned again before finally but ever so slowly, turning to his side.

"They... they..." He stuttered but couldn't get it out. Poor Scott... I saw Liam raise an eyebrow as to what he was talking about. I definitely didn't want to be the one that said it because it would just make me feel even more guilty.

"Who is 'they' Scott?" Liam demanded instead of asking it like it was a simple question. Damn Liam... why so needy to know? Scott sent a glare in his direction but Liam didn't apparently get the message.

"Josh..." He twitched multiple times before answering.

"And, and, and, and, and, and, and, Derek." He stuttered and Niall didn't look surprised but the others did.

"But aren't you a part of their pack? Why would they just gang up on you?" Zayn asked. Scott shrugged his shoulders but he cursed again because of the pain.

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