Decorating and Kidnapping

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My feet were killing me from all the walking we did in town today. We had gotten all of the decorations for the party and some of the maids and servents helped us bring them into the castle. Harry let me out of my ropes so I can help decorate for the dance. Of course he was going to be in the room along with Louis and Zayn on guard. Harry was going to order me around and Liam went up to go get Niall. I was actually really excited to see him and tell him about what happened. But now, I was currently rubbing my wrists from the rope and standing in the middle of the room. My stupid nerves were making me shake as I tried to stand my ground.

Want to know why I was nervous?? Well... everybody was freaking staring at me and watching my every move! Especially Harry and Louis! It was creeping me out more by the second. Zayn was just staring out into space, not really giving a shit, which I didn't really care about. I was about to say something until I heard a door shut signaling that Liam finally came in with Niall. I ran to him and when I did, he hugged me tightly before spinning me around, making me laugh.

"Oh would you two stop it already?! It's not like you haven't seen each other in forever!" Harry shouted, obviously pissed. We then pulled away quickly and looked off into some other direction to blush furiously. I looked down at the ground so I wouldn't have to look up at Harry. 

"Well, that's what it feels like!" We shouted in unison before looking at each other, making us laugh even more.

Liam brought in a bunch of bags filled with decorations that the maids and servents probably gave him and put them near the door. Niall and I walked over to them and started taking stuff out. Harry then started to order us to hang lights coming off from the chandelier. So Niall and I grabbed, what looked like Christmas lights, Louis grabbed the ladder, making Niall and him hold it for me as I was hanging up the lights. Let me tell you, it wasn't as easy as it seems. Especially because I had to keep a hold of the lights as Niall and Louis lifted the ladder and dragged it across the room from left to right. I, also had to keep my balance, which was scary as hell especially because I was afraid of heights.

But after a couple of hours the place looked really nice. There were different coloured balloons everywhere that Niall helped me put up. There were also confetti spread around the floor and the lights looked perfect. I'm surprised at how good Harry's decorating skills were because his choice of dresses were hidious. It was now time for dinner and I was happy because after a lot of work in the past couple of days, I'm hungry as hell and I haven't actually eatten in a while... I actually don't even remember my last meal. I was currently changing into my night gown since it was the only kind of pajamas I had. I've also asked Liam to put my dress in Harry's room because I wanted to surprise Niall with my dress the day of the dance. I couldn't wait for him to see it.

"Ready for dinner m'lady?" Niall asked as he put his hand onto his stomach, and the other one on his back before he did bow. I giggled before nodding my head and holding my hand out for him to grab. Niall was wearing his usual outfit, white tee shirt with black jeans and for once, he was barefoot, which I found weird but I didn't really care. I was barefoot as well, but I don't think that would matter or anyone would care. 

"Thank you kind sir." I said with a giggle as he grabbed my hand.

He laughed but rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hand tightly, put protectively and firmly as he was walking me down the hallway, down the stairs towards the dining room. When we got there, Harry was sitting at the head of the table as usual. Zayn sat next to Harry's right and Liam sat next to his left. Louis sat on the other side of Zayn but there was a seat in between the both of them. There was also an empty seat for Niall next to Liam. Oh great. Now I'm going to sit in between those two instead of sitting next to Niall like I originally wanted to. Niall then grabbed my shoudlers and kissed my forehead gently, stroked my hair for a second, making me smile, before sitting down in his seat on the other side of Louis.

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