Losing My Virginity To the Demon Himself

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Eleanor's P.O.V.

"Hold on a minute sweetheart." He said as he pecked my cheek and I felt disgusted.

I just wanted to whip it off and burn my cheek because he touched it. He started going through Harry's closet and took out a roll of duck tape. He turned towards me with an evil looking smirk on his face as he was twirling the roll of tape with his index finger. I gulped nervously and felt a few more tears streaming down my face.

"All right, here's how it's going to go sweetheart. I'm going to have you as a little snack first then take your virginity slowly and painfully how does that sound?"

I couldn't believe this was happening. I was loosing my virginity and getting bit by the demon himself. I was shaking uncontrollably and crying even more than I was before and nothing hasn't really helped yet. I was shaking my head "no", trying to tell him to get off me but I know he wasn't going to listen to a single thing I've said.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said with a smirk on his face. Just as I was about to protest, he slapped a piece of duck tape over my mouth. I was kicking and thrashing my arms around, trying to get out of his hold but it was too strong fro m and I was only getting him madder than he already was.

"Stop squirming would you?! I'm trying to get a bite!" He shouted, making me stop. I tried to stop my shaking but nothing was working.

I finally stopped, just so he can get it over with. He chuckled before not even hesitate to dive into my neck and plung his fangs into the side of it, making me scream out in pain but the screams came out muffled since I had a peice of tape stuck over my mouth. I felt the blood slowly drain out of my life and that's when my eyelids slowly started to close and slowly started drifting off into the darkness...


When I opened my eyes at least maybe an hour or so later, I looked down and see my shirt was still off but the peice of tape was off my mouth. I tried to move but I felt my wrists tugging on something and I looked up slightly to see my wrists were now tied to the headboard of the bed. Great... just what I need. I looked around to see Louis but I couldn't see him anywhere... maybe he was finally back to normal and left me alone? But he wouldn't just leave me here shirtless with my hands tied... would he? Oh who the hell am I kidding? This is Louis we're talking about here!

I jumped when I heard the door slam open and it stayed open and I heard footsteps but I saw nobody. What the hell was going on? I then screamed as Louis suddenly appeared out of nowhere and he was standing at the foot of the bed. He laughed evilly and I was crying now as his eyes were still black. The demon side of him is still in there and I really hope it would leave. I never knew a vampire could last this long being a demon... I thought it was only for a short phase or something like that but obviously that's not true...

"Hello sweetheart... nice to see you're finally awake." He said as he creased my cheek. I flinched as I moved my head towards the other side but he harshly grabbed my chin, forcing him to make me look into his eyes.

"H-H-How did you... How did you..." I couldn't even finish and he laughed at myself stuttering.

"Invisability princess... it's one of my many powers..." He said, trailing his finger down my cheek again, shivering underneath his icy, cold touch of his fingers.

Without another move, he didn't hesitate to pounce on me and straddle me, just like he did earlier. I was about to scream until he put his hand over my mouth and leaned in closer towards my face, his hot breathe breathing on my face.

"This is going to be the best night ever... Wanna know why?" He said with a chuckle, his voice deep, a little high pitched because that's how he talked regularly but mostly deep. I froze as our noses were barely touching each other. I shook my head which made him smirk.

"Because this is going to be the best sex you've ever had in your life. And you're a virgin as you said right?" He asked. I nodded my head in response as I close my eyes, letting the tears stream down my face.

"That even makes it better. You get to loose your virginity to me... oh this is going to be grand!!" He shouted happily as he sat up and clapped his hands together loudly like a little girl, like this was the happiest moment of his life. Why did he choose me to do this? Why?!

"Why..." I said, wanting to finish off my sentence but I just couldn't... He could read my mind anyway, so let him do it.

"Why... what?" He asked with a slightly annoyed sigh. I took a deep breath before finishing.

"Why... are you... doing this... to me?" I asked hesitatend. I chuckled before bending down to me and twirling a stand of my hair with his index finger. I gulped nervously, wondering what he was going to do or say before answering. He smirked before putting his head near my ear and whispered something into it.

"Because you're my mate..." I gasped and my eyes widened. WHAT?!! HOW THE FUCK IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!

"Oh it's possible sweetheart. Let's stop this chit chat for now... it's time to get to the good stuff." My eyes widened and I started shaking my head no. No, no, no, no, no! This can NOT be happening to me!

He smiled even before bending down towards my breast and squeezed both of them tightly, making me yelp out in pain. And he was doing it so slowly on purpose... just so I would feel the pain. He started trailing kisses up from my left breast and going up the side of my neck; doing the same to the other side. I bit my lip down hard so I wouldn't let out a moan and make it seem like it was turning me on. He chuckled darkly and stoppe for a second before saying something.

"You're enjoying this... aren't you baby?..." He said and I shook my head, even though I was slightly lying.

"NO!" I blurted out a little too loudly.

"Shut up will yea! You will enjoy it and will do this all night until you do!" He shouted in my face. I tried to bury my head further into the pillow, to try to back away from him but I couldn't.

"Ok ok! I'll enjoy it! Just don't hurt me!!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face.

"Good girl..." He cooed as he pushed the hair away from my face and that's when I felt like I've been through hell and back even more than three times...

Paige's P.O.V.

Eleanor has been gone for a very long time and I feel like something just wasn't quiet right. Eleanor would probably be back by now but now it seemed like it was a big deal. We were all quiet as I saw Harry grip his hair tightly in his hands and I saw Liam and Zayn pacing back and forth in their cells. Niall sat quietly as he came over towards me and wrapped his arms around me. Perrie was sitting in the corner of her cell, I know since that's the only corner I can see her in.

"What if they are doing something to Eleanor?" Since I was the first one to speak up... everybody turned their heads towards our cell.

"Why would they be doing something to Eleanor?" Perrie asked with her voice cracking at the end. I shrugged my shoulders and I was about to reply until I was cut off by the same persons scream being heard all the way from the castle. I could see Harry's eyes widened, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Do you hear something Harry?" I asked and he nodded.

"I can hear Eleanor. She's saying 'LOUIS PLEASE STOP!' whatever that means. Louis must be doing something really bad to Eleanor if this is happening." Harry said. My eyes widened as everybody ran up to their cells so we can see each other.

"What the hell?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Poor Eleanor..." Niall mumbled. I nodded as I snuggled into him more as he pulled me into a hug and I felt a tear roll my cheek.

"What if Louis does something to me or in fact all of us?" I asked and Perrie gasped as she shot up and lunged onto Zayn, almost knocking him over but he caught onto his balance before falling over.

"Please don't let him do anything to me Zayn! Please!!" She begged so much she was crying and Zayn turned himself towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Shhh... it's alright I promise." He cooed in her ear and started rubbing circles on her back as she cried into his chest.

"Ok that is it... I have seriously can't take this anymore!" I shouted as I shot up and came towards the bars.

"Paige..." Niall said as he started coming towards me and putted his hand on my shoulder but I swatted it away.

"Don't you Paige me Niall!" I shouted and I can hear Liam chuckling from the other side.

"Yeah... Don't 'Paige' her Niall." He said and I growled as I stood up on the bench and gripped the bars tightly. He jumped slightly in surprise at the sudden sight of me, making me smirk slightly but I went back to being serious in a matter of seconds.

"Do you want to get out of here or not??" I asked and he sighed but nodded his head.

"Well we aren't going to sit around acting scared out of our wits anymore." I said as I crossed my arms over chest as I faced the rest of them.

"Well what the hell are we supposed to do about it?" Harry asked and I smirked as I put my hands on my hips.

"Once I think of an awesome plan... we are going to get out of here... Once and for all." I said and everybody shook their heads in dissapointment and look away. Oh we are going to get out of here... even if I have to kill Louis with my own bare hands...

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