Stressing Out and Hiding

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Paige's P.O.V.

We finally gave up our searching because it was slowly turning dark outside. Harry was probably pissed that we left the castle without his permission. All the sudden, I felt a hand grab my shoulder, making me squeal loudly. Niall and I immediately turned around to see Liam. We're both screwed. 

"Where the hell have you to been? Do you realize what time it is? And you snuck out? God, what the hell is the matter with the both of you?!" He shouted as he raised his arms in the air in frustration.   

"Um, um… we were… were we just…" Niall was stuttering so much, I don't think I've ever saw him this nervous in my life. Liam then growled and sighed with annoyance before rubbing the back of his neck.   

"Look, I'll let you two off the hook. You better not let me catch you again you hear me?" He asked, pointing a stern finger at us. We both nodded before scurrying off back into the castle.   

"God… that was close." Niall said as our hands intertwined with each other as we started to walk up the stairs.   

"Yeah, I know. But what's been on my mind is that why you want that necklace so badly anyways."   

"What necklace?" We heard a voice say behind us just as we reached the top of the stairs. I gasped slightly before we both turned around to see Louis, giving us a hard glare. Niall and I gulped nervously as we were staring at Louis, speechless, not knowing what to say. Fuck… we're both screwed.   

"You've got that right sweetheart." Louis said with a smirk on his face, making Niall raised an eyebrow.    Then suddenly I was grabbed out of Niall's grasps as Louis pulled me closer to him. I tried desperately to get out of his grasp but he just wouldn't budge. Niall had his hands clenched to his sides, trying not to show his anger… even though I can clearly see his eyes turning a darker shade in colour… which was definitely not a good sign.   

"So you two were outside huh? Well… wait until Harry hears about this." Louis said with a dark chuckle, making me shake my head vicariously in protest. I didn't want to admit it, it would only get us into more trouble but… Do you hear me Louis?! FUCK YOU!!!   

"You know what… shut the fuck up you little bitch. That's it, I'm taking you to Harry… Zayn! Get your ass over here!" Louis shouted and before you knew it, Zayn was by Louis's side, making me yelp in fright.   Louis nodded his head towards Niall, signaling to grab him. I felt tears prick in my eyes, threatening to spill but I just wouldn't let them. I wouldn't let them see how weak I was. I had to be strong, whatever it took. I just won't let them no matter how many cruel things they do to me.   

"No please! Just don't… do anything to her! DO IT TO ME! I am the one that brought her outside! It was all me!" Niall shouted, making me grained. Niall you stupid little… ugh! He didn't do this, I did! It's all my fault! Don't listen to him Louis! I did it, it was all me. It was my idea! Just please, let him go. I shouted furiously in my mind, hoping it would change Louis'.   

"All right princess, I believe you. But you both deserve a punishment for disobeying orders and going outside without permission. Zayn, bring Niall down to the cells where he belongs while I take Paige to Harry. Once Harry is done with her, bring him back up." Louis ordered as he started to pull me away from Zayn and Niall, making us go in separate directions.   

"LEAVE… HER… ALONE!" Niall shouted, as he was struggling to get out of Zayn's grip.   

I was still struggling and thrashing around in Louis' grasp as well. With tears in my eyes, making my surroundings slightly blurry, I heard a door slam, signaling that Niall and Zayn were already outside of the castle.  I then heard another door slam, making me realize that we have just reached the throne room. I gulped nervously as Louis's grip on me tightened. I was literally shaking as Louis then, literally, threw me towards me onto the ground, making me land down on my knees in front of Harry. I shakily stood up, frantically looking for places to run to but they were all either blocked by guards or there were limited spaces to run to. Louis forced me back down, pushing me down with his large hand on top of my shoulder. I winced in pain at the sudden impact with my knees and the floor.   

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