32: One Day

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Jake's P.O.V.

     My heart is racing. We all walk through the gymnasium with our heads held high, but I know I'm not the only one nervous as fuck. We take our seats and I watch Sierra take her place in the center first row. She said she still loved me, but I knew it wouldn't change her decision. She broke things off with that bitch, but I knew it still wouldn't change her decision. She will leave. These could be our last days together. All of us. I was scared. Everything was about to change.

     The introductions and welcoming was made, a few students talked. I didn't pay much attention until Sierra, the great valedictorian, was called up to the podium. I will never understand how she can be so calm in front enormous crowds, and trust me, this place is packed. But she is calm as ever, smiling at everyone, her red hair falling over her eyes as she walked up the steps to the stage. I spotted Hayden in the crowd, along with Amy, and Sia's mom and siblings. I didn't see her dad. I guess Garrison, Sierra's half brother, drove the other two kids here. Harley, Sia's step sister, was also in the crowd. She must of flew all the way from Athen's just to be here. Michel eyed me hatefully until his wife hit him, and Jewel and Faith smiled at me. He cousins never retaliated against me. For that I was greatful.

     I look up at Sia again, she takes the mic and smiles before folding her hands over the podium, everyone's attention on her.

     "Welcome everyone, to the class of 2016's graduation. I would first like to thank everyone for attending. This means a great to deal to all of us and I'm most certainly pleased to share this day with you all.

      Being in high school is pretty scary. You always try to go with the crowd and fulfill expectations; juggling school work with love affairs, gossip, friendships, and trying your hardest not to lose yourself in the process. You mess up and get stressed out. You lose people you thought would be there forever, and it's hell. But, it's also life.

     I have lost myself a plethora of times. I've broken under pressure, stayed up many nights to study, fallen at the feet of exhaustion, but there is this exciting and excruciating adventure in finding yourself and putting your pieces back together. You meet people who will change your life forever and love people and promise to stay forever to who you will forget in ten years or so. You find friends who stick by you even when your wrong, and you lay your heart on the line to people who you know will someday forget your name. But there is this certain beauty to it all.

     It's part of growing up of course, but high school is really just all the drama in life rolled up into four years. It hurts, it's hurts so much. Some people are weak and some are strong, but we had each other to lean on. We won't have that anymore, and though that is a very depressing statement, it's the truth. Life doesn't stop here you guys. We have places to go, and Somebody to become. We have so many things waiting for us in this new world we're about to enter, and we must do something worth doing with our lives.

     Some of us are going to have a family and live in a small house with a white picket fence, others are going to travel or build business or even save lives. We will all make our statement. We will leave scars and trails of tears and broken hearts, but one day we will run past each other in a super market or a movie theatre and have something to show for ourselves. Some of you are scared about what life will be like after today, and you have every right to be, but have a little faith. This is not the end of your story! This is just a new page, a new chapter. I won't forget about any of you. I might not remember your names, but the memories of this place with be forever tattooed on my heart, but it's time to let go. It's time to fulfill goals, or hell, even set some. It's time to be somebody. Remember who you are. Remember where you came from. But never forget where you want to go from there. It's been an amazing couple years with you guys, and I wish you all the very best! Now let's show this world what we're made of!"

     Everyone erupts into cheers and clapping. Some ever whistle. She smiles as she steps from the stage and everyone begins to be called up one by one. I'm a bit frozen, unable to hear the principle speak. This chapter is coming to a close, and I wonder if this will really be the end of Sierra Paige and Jake Leonardo. It's a sickening thought, and it burns at my heart. When my name is called I almost run up there. Mr. Wicker hands me my diploma, shakes my hand and acknowledges my decision to go to the art academy upstate. I step off the stage and look at Sierra, her red curls falling over her shoulders and her piercing green eyes seeming to glisten at me. I smile at her, shooting her a thumbs up, in which she returns and I find my seat again. The last person to be called up is Traya, who pushes the principal away and yells into the microphone.

     "NOW EVERYONE GO HOME AND FUCK YOUR NEIGHBOR! Purple-headed yogurt slingers forever! Hell yeah!" She shoots her hand up with her diploma and everyone wolf howls and erupts into laughter. Jude gave her weed. Of course Jude gave Traya Yolan weed. We all cheer and find our groups before our hats go up into the air. I pull Sierra against me and give her a long kiss, which she returns, as our hats fall to the floor. When we pull away and look at our friends, Walter smiles and grabs our attention.

     "Everyone, I am so glad I got to know you all, and I'm so blessed to have been able to love the girl before me." He kneels down in front of Krissy and I hear Sia gasp by my side as Krissy's eyes bubble with tears. Walter pulls out a ring, his dark hand grabbing on to Kissy's. "Krisandrea Martin, I have been in love with you since eight grade, and I never plan to stop. Every moment with you has been beautiful, even the harsh and complicated ones. I can't imagine my life with you, and I don't want to have to you. You picked me up when I was so fucked up on drugs and alcohol and I was a mess, but you still loved me enough to put effort into saving me. Your my hero Krisandrea, and I would love to have the pleasure to marry you." Krissy wiped her eyes and nodded as Walter slid the ring on her finger.

     I smiled and congratulated them, even though it hurt. It should have been me and Sia, but that's okay. We would go our separate ways and I had faith we would find our way back to each other one day, and perhaps I will marry her. One day. When we are both Somebody.

Awee, I'm proud of the speech, and even though you guys don't know Krissy and Walter to well, I think it's still kind of sweet. And yes, Jake did kiss Sierra. And she kissed back. Come on, they still love each other. VOTE! COMMENT! TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! LOVE YOU MY DARKLINGS!!

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