8: Knives to Stingers

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     Sierra's P.O.V

"Jake?" I whisper through the darkness. The moon illuminates the water of the current. The drawn out river beckons for inhabitants, but no one obliges. It remains vacant, only me to walk it's bank.

     I know he's out here; I can sense it. I don't know how, but I can. "Jake?" I call again, a bit louder this time. Where is that boy? He frustrate me sometimes. He makes my skin crawl, but some how I've gotten pleasure from it.

     I continue to walk the river bank, the low grumble of the current ringing at my ear drum. I look around for shadows. Nothing. Then a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and spins me around.

     There he is. His dark brown eyes reflecting me in the moon light, and his curling strands of dark hair sweeping his forehead. His lips spread into that oh so familiar smirk just before he kisses me. The sweet addictive flavors swim in my mouth as I kiss him back. His soft full lips envelope mine in an entrancing motion.

     He hoists me up onto him, wrapping my legs around his back. One of his arms move from my waist to my bum, and he holds me there for a few moments before squeezing, causing me to squeal. He takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He explores my tongue and the roof of my mouth, producing a small moan from my lips. I feel warm and tingling inside as I drape my arms around his neck, fiddling with strands of soft damp hair.

     "I love you so much Jake." I whisper between kisses. I feel his smile spread, and I can almost feel his dimples.

     "I love you too Amy." He whispers in a grumbled husk. Then the whole scene falls through and I am again left in darkness, growing cold. A small tear escapes my eye just before I awaken.

     I sit up in a swift motion and attempt to gain my composure. My mom is asleep at my bedside, and it's dark outside. The smell of hospital fills my nostrils as I wipe away the dampness on my cheeks. I shake wildly as I swallow the bile in my throat, leaving my mouth dry. I need water.

     I throw my legs over the bed and look for something to wrap myself with. Finally I see that my mom has brought my favorite plush robe. I grab it and slip into it, enjoying the soft warmth that now consoles me. I allow one last anxious shake before departing my room.

     I find my way to the elevator and step into it. The halls are vacant, as is the elevator. I press the basement button and await for the opening of the doors. I'm so light headed. I have a feeling I'm not supposed to be up right now, but who are we kidding? I've never done what I was supposed to do anyway. I finally make it to the basement and find myself in the vending area. A nurse sits at a table eating a bag of chips while typing away on her computer. She looks so familiar, but I don't recognize her. I step in and feel around for any change. That's when I draw her attention.

     She smiles at me and stands. She's a small thin women with light-brown complexion and blue eyes. "Hi. Sierra right?" She asks, handing me two dollars. I nod as machine consumes them one by one.

     "Yeah that's me. Are you one of my nurses?" I ask as I press buttons for plain chips, coke, and a bag of cookies. She shakes he head.

     "Oh no, I haven't graduated college yet, I've just been evaluating your case." I hand her the change left over, and she pockets it. "I'm Precious by the way."

     I take a sip of coke and smile at her. "Well nice to meet you while I'm not sedated, and thank you for the cash." I say. She nods and sits back down.

     "Oh honey, it's no problem." She say sweetly. "Would you like to talk? I know it can get lonely sometimes." I smile and take a seat in front of her. She closes her laptop and smiles back. He puffy ringlets lining her face. She's really pretty. I must admit that.

     "So..." I say awkwardly. She laughs a little before looking at me with such kind eyes it warms my heart.

     "I want to ask you a very personal question, though you don't know me. I can start by introducing myself as nosey." She giggles. I plunge a chip into my mouth and smile at her.

     "It's okay. What's your question?"

     "What brought you to do that to yourself?" She asks bluntly. "I've been thinking about it quite a lot. First I figured it was just boy trouble, but after listening to your mother I realized it rooted much deeper."

     I sigh inwardly, and pop a cookie between my lips. "It was just to much at one time I guess. Sometimes one's emotions can get the best of one's self." Is all I reply. She smiles at me. 

     "I understand. It was me in that hospital bed a couple years ago. It's how I realized I wanted to help people." She looks at me so sadly but with such strong compassion at the same time. I can't help but smile at her.

     "It got better though, right?" I ask. She purses her lips and shakes her head.

      "Life doesn't get better, the people do. The people grow stronger and they learn to endure. After a while it doesn't feel like a stab to the chest. Instead, the pain resembles a bee sting." She smiles and checks her watch. "It's almost three in the morning. I need to go get some rest. I'll see you later, and if you ever need to talk I'm here." She says before she walks away.

I continue to eat, my physical stability regaining strength. I play back Precious's word. "After a while it doesn't feel like a stab in the chest. Instead, the pain resembles a bee sting." I whisper to myself. Jake and Amy's faces flash through my head and I laugh to myself. "That's one hell of a venomous bee." I chuckle as I finish eating. I allow a quick recap of everything before I head back upstairs to drown back into a deep sleep.

Well it seems like Sierra has a new friend. Intense dream huh? Hope you enjoyed it! VOTE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! LOVE YOU MY DARKLINGS!

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