• Chapter 6 •

Start from the beginning

I could hear him growl from where I was standing and the crowd was just eating this shit right up. They couldn't believe it. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if people were tweeting crazy things like: "Book it, Vince! C'mon! Book it already!"

Then, Roman and I were being pulled apart by AJ, who ended up making me drop the mic and exit the ring with him. While the crowd went crazy as we headed backstage, Roman was raising his title high in the air in the middle of that ring.

Once backstage, I was automatically ambushed by Shane McMahon with a huge smile plastered on his face. He patted me on the shoulder and complimented me, "Wow! Great job, Britt! Same with you, AJ, as always. How you feeling standing up to the Roman Reigns?"

I shook the feeling off, but smiled back, of course. "Like crazy," I giggled, which earned a chuckle out of both Shane and AJ. "I thought he really was going to kill me back there for standing up to him."

We all laughed together until Roman Reigns, himself, came through the curtains. He first smiled at me and made his way to meet me. He pulled me into a side-hug and asked, "How you feeling? I swear that you were sweating back there with nerves."

Again, I laughed out loud and nodded, not denying it. If anything, my burning red cheeks would tell him that. "Yeah, well, you were pretty scary out there, but I had to stand my ground out there, eh," I confessed to him and he laughed along with me.

"Well, I'll see y'all again," he said to AJ and I before waving and disappearing down the hallway. He was a really good guy, but a way better bad guy, to be honest.

As soon as I got back to my locker room to retrieve my cell phone, I noticed that I had a missed call from someone. That someone would be my older brother, unfortunately.

So, I decided to call him back to see what he wanted. It ringed about two, going on three, times before he actually answered with a simple greeting of hello.

"Hey, what's up? You called?" I asked of my brother, Zack – who is not Zack Ryder, of course. Just another normal guy named Zack, too.

"Yeah, well, I was just with our parents," he sighed, which seemed urged. Together in the same room? "Yeah, so they asked about you and asked how you were doing."

"Why don't they just call me if they want to know?" I questioned him, which only made me wonder. They never call me. Like, ever. The last they did when it was my birthday a few months ago. That's it and I haven't heard from them since.

"I don't know," he sighed, frustrated most likely. I heard kids in the background screaming, which meant my niece and nephew were probably up and playing. "Hey! Stop trying to be like your aunt over there!"

I giggled, which didn't help his situation at all over there. Hopefully, I wasn't on speaker. "Oh, yeah, what they doing?"

"Well, Dylan is acting like he's AJ andddd... Melly is you, yeah," he informed me of, which made me smile. Dylan is my ten-year-old nephew and Melissa, otherwise known as just Melly, is my seven-year-old niece. "Oh, by the way, the kids and Shannon say they miss and love you." And Shannon's my sister-in-law, which would make her my brother's wife and mother of his two kids.

"Well, tell them I said the same back," I told him and he does. "Anyways, is there anything else we need to talk about?"

"Yeah, one more thing," he said, then paused afterwards for a few seconds. "When are you going to get married and settle down?"

Are you fucking kidding me? Even though he couldn't see it, an evil smile crept upon my face as I replied with: "When you die, I will, maybe."

He literally laughed out loud in response and continued with: "Yeah, you would like that, wouldn't you?" We laughed together for another minute. "But what about AJ? I know his divorce was pretty nasty, but you two have a bond and chemistry like no other two people I have ever known."

Although I wanted to kind of be mad at him for mentioning AJ, I couldn't bring myself to raise my tone with him at the moment. And I definitely wasn't going to rub it in his face that I was going to stay having a romantic on-screen relationship with him, either.

Instead of actually answering him, I tell him that I have to go do an interview or something – which is, of course, a big lie – so I slip my way out of this conversation now. We say our farewells and hang-up, but I still can't wrap this new storyline around my mind yet.

• • •

It was now time for the main event of this evening with AJ involved, of course. After AJ, Cesaro, Kevin Owens, and Chis Jericho all competed in the whirlwind Fatal 4-Way match for a WWE World Heavyweight Title opportunity on Monday Night Raw earlier this week, they are now going to battle in tag-team's match. It's going to be AJ and Cesaro versus Kevin and Jericho.

AJ and I were currently standing backstage right at the curtain, ready to get out there for the match. Cesaro was standing behind us, who would do his entrance after us, of course.

AJ's music began blaring through the Toyota Center's venue, so we began to make our way out together. We did our usual pose up at the top of the stage, while I was still wearing my same old outfit from before. AJ began walking before I could, so I caught up to him and slipped my hands around his arm to keep us. He smiled over at me as I returned it back to him.

Once AJ and I made our entrance together, Cesaro came out and the match soon got started. They all went on and on while Kevin Owens kept his eyes peeled on me when he wasn't fighting, probably making sure I wasn't going to mess him up. Nevertheless, I kept my distance and stay in AJ and Cesaro's corner the whole time.

However, in the height of the action, Sami Zayn – whom couldn't compete in Raw's number one contender's match because of Kevin — emerged from backstage. The crowd was going completely crazy at this high-flying talented athlete.

While the commotion seemingly allowed AJ to pick up the win over Kevin, it only ignited a fierce post-match brawl between Kevin and Sami that ended with Sami being viciously thrown into the steel ring steps and Kevin being forcefully pulled away by WWE officials.

Nevertheless, AJ won this match for his team and I joined him in the ring to celebrate only a beat later. I raised his arm in victory while doing the same with Cesaro on the other side of me as well. Then, I pulled on AJ and ended up embracing him in a big hug.

When we pulled away, however, it was like his breath had stiffen and he was paralyzed from something. The way he looked at me always made me weak at my knees and turned them into jelly.

• Hey, guys, I just wanted to write a real quick author's note to inform you all that my obsession with AJ Styles has ignited lately like a wildfire. Yeah, no joke at all. My lock-screen and home-screen is of AJ Styles. My life is revolving around him and I love him SOOOOOOO damn much! Ugh! Uh, anyways... I hope y'all have enjoyed this so far because more is to come soon! All the love .xx •

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