6. I Deserve Better

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"Thank you, baby!" I yelled and walked to the other bathroom.

"I'm not your baby!" Raquel yelled back, making me laugh.

Messing with Raquel was fun.


After brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and getting yelled at for walking through the apartment naked to get to my clothes, I joined Raquel in the kitchen.

"If you ever walk around my apartment naked again, you're out. I get that you like fucking with me, but seriously, have some respect. If not for me, then for yourself. That shit ain't cute." Raquel scolded me and I felt a little bad for flashing her my goodies. I went a little too far.

"I'm sorry. I was having so much fun annoying you and I went too far. I promise not to get naked again until the day when you finally stop pretending not to want me." I said making her roll her eyes.

"I really thought you were going to apologize. You are so fucking immature." Raquel surprised me by laughing instead of getting mad.

"So I've been told." I said shrugging and beginning to eat the breakfast Raquel made. I would much rather be eating her, but I can settle for waffles, eggs, and bacon.

We were both just eating in silence so naturally, I spoke.

"Why are you always cooking when you can just go to the caf?" I asked.

"I usually go to the caf, but I don't want to run into Gio." She said shrugging.

"But he's your brother. What's so bad about seeing him?" I asked frowning.

"It's not that. He just won't stop blowing up my phone begging for advice on some girl he likes. I'm just avoiding him until he figures it out himself. He needs to learn how to speak to girls without my help. I'm helping him by not helping him." Raquel shrugged drinking some of her orange juice.

"Who's the girl?" I asked being nosey.

"Some cute girl with braces apparently. He doesn't know her name because he's too much of a pussy to go talk to her. I don't get why though because girls are always asking me about my brother. They go crazy over his dorky ass and he's oblivious to it." Raquel said, shaking her head and laughing.

"He is a nice looking guy. If I was straight, I'd fuck him." I said making Raquel spit her orange juice right into my freaking face!

"I'm sorry, but you can only blame that mouth of yours for that. You are so damn nasty." She said getting up from the table and grabbing paper towels for me.

"It's all good. That's not the first time my mouth got me covered in juice." I said shrugging.

"I can't fucking deal with you right now." Raquel said throwing the whole roll of paper towels to me. "I really can't say anything without you making it dirty. I seriously have to be silent around you from now on."

"You set yourself up for it every time though." I said laughing as I cleaned the orange juice off of my face.

"Since I basically spit in your food and you ruined mine for me, we can go get something off campus." Raquel suggested and I smirked at her.

"Are we going on our first date?" I asked and she laughed, shaking her head.

"This won't be a date. This is just may way of saying sorry. Don't make it something it isn't." Raquel said, making me sigh.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz