Her Love Is My Religion - Krashlyn

Start from the beginning

Ali put her hand on her forehead. "I'm fine," Ash responded. "I just... I'm scared."

Ali sighed. She wrapped her arms around her. "Don't be, if anyone hurts you I will kill them."

Ash smiled. "Let's go home."

Ali smiled back and grabbed her hand. They walked back to the car and Ash loaded up Ali's luggage. She then got in and drove them home. When they got there, Ali settled in before she and Ash were cuddling on the couch. Ash kissed her head. "How has Washington been? How's Crystal?"

"Good, and good, things have been fun. I still wish you were back there though."

Ashlyn sighed sadly and ruffled her head. "I know, but I kind of like it here in Orlando. Even though it is kind of scary."

Ali looked up and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "Please don't be scared, I know it's hard with everything that's happened."

"Damn right," Ashlyn mumbled.

"Ashy, it's okay," Ali cooed, trying to calm her down. "Everything will be okay."

Ashlyn nodded, resting her head on top of Ali's. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Some have their crosses
And the Golden Gates
Well she is the grace I wear
When I lose my faith
We all need something to believe
The words we say before we sleep
Close my eyes and she's my dreams
She's the truth inside my world of lies
Keeping all my hope alive
Never gonna say goodbye

The girls were out at a big fancy restaurant. Ash had planned a big date night for Ali. Ali was wearing a short black dress that stopped right above her knees. Ashlyn was wearing a black suit with a red tie.

The waiter brought their meal. As they ate, a couple was sat at the table next to them. It was a man and a woman. They seemed to be staring at Ashlyn and Ali, and Ashlyn didn't like it. Ali didn't see it, they were behind her.

"You okay Ash?" Ali asked, as the waiter refilled her water.

"Mmhmm," Ash responded, not really paying attention.

"Ash," Ali waved a hand in front of her face, but got no response. "Ash. Ashlyn Michelle Harris."

Ashlyn snapped out of her thoughts and went back to her girlfriend. "Sorry babe," she said, then looked at the table sheepishly.

Ali finally turned around to see what Ash was staring at. When she did, she saw the couple and the woman was whispering to a waiter. Ali didn't like that. They were scaring Ashlyn.

Ali put her hand on top of Ashlyn's on the table. Her girlfriend finally looked up. "Don't be scared," Ali whispered.

Ash nodded. Soon the waiter came back. "Um, we hate to be a bother," he said. "But the couple next to you as requested that you stop the hand holding. They find it quite disgusting."

"They find it disgusting that I am showing love for my girlfriend?"

The waiter sighed. "Unfortunately, they have said that if it continues they will speak with my manager."

"Well let them speak to your manager then," Ali said, gripping Ash's hand tighter. "Because this is my girlfriend, and I'll do whatever I want to show her my love."

Ashlyn smiled shyly as she looked into Ali's eyes. The waiter sighed again and left. He came back with the manager. "We're very sorry," the lady said. "But we're going to have to ask you to leave. You're making the rest of the customers uncomfortable."

Ali stood up. "Great, this place sucks by the way. See you later."

She and Ashlyn began to walk out hand in hand. But before they left, they stopped by the table that had made the complaints. Ash then kissed Ali on the lips with passion. Then they left.

Cause I see the stars
In the freckles on her face
And I'm seeing God
Every time she says my name
So Mother Mary
Pray for me
Without her I'm so lost
Her love
Is my religion

Ash and Ali decided to go for a walk in the local park. They held hands as they walked, Ali leaned her head on Ash's side. They sat on a bench and watched as little kids ran around playing. "You know, chances are at least one of these kids will be like us," Ali whispered.

"Look at that one," Ash said, nodding towards a little red head girl. "She's got two dads."

They watched as one man picked up the little girl, and then kissed the man beside him. They both smiled to themselves. They knew they were safe here.

Her love is my religion
It's my religion
It's my religion
I said her love is my religion
It's my religion
It's my religion
I said her love is my religion
It's my religion
It's my religion

'Cause I see the stars
In the freckles on her face
And I'm seeing God
Every time she says my name.
So Mother Mary, pray for me,
Without her I'm so lost
Her love is my religion

I said her love is my religion
It's my religion
It's my religion
I said her love is my religion
It's my religion
It's my religion
It's my religion

As it began to get late, Ali cuddled closer to Ash. Even though it was Florida, summer, and Ash was in a suit, she didn't mind it. Anything to make her Ali Cat happy.

Ashlyn then knew it was time. She asked Ali to sit up for a minute. Ali complied.

Ashlyn then stood up, and looked Ali in the eyes. "Alexandra Blaire Krieger, you make me so happy. You brighten up my day no matter what mood I'm in. There are days I don't even think I can smile and you somehow make me laugh."

She grabbed a box out of her pocket and opened it, then got on one knee. "And there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with. Make me the happiest girl in the world, and marry me?"

Ali gasped in shock. She began to cry as she chanted, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Neither of them had realized the crowd that had formed around them. They were all clapping. Especially the two men with their little girl. Ashlyn smiled as she got up and kissed Ali. Ali kissed back, and then stayed that way until they had to stop to breathe.

"I love you Ashlyn Michelle Harris."

"I love you too Alexandra Blaire Krieger."

*Cough cough* I win again Soccersoftball2 *cough cough*

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