A Revised Mami Love Ending

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...Mami. Her caringness and opening personality just makes your heart melt. So what if she's a girl?

You got up, and went to your bag, and reached for your phone, but before you could even turn it on, the phone rang. You blinked, and you looked at it.


You picked it up, blinking. "Yello?"

"Yellow to blue! (Hello to you :3) Meet Mami at my house. She want's to see you!" She said, and with that she hung up.

Shortest. Conversation with Sasha. Ever! 

You shrug, heading out your window, and heading off.

There, you see Mami, wearing a tux, her hair in a ponytail. She smiled, tilting her head. "Hello (Y/n). Have you made up your mind?" She asked, you nod. "Yes Mam's." 

"Well then, who did you chose? Ashley? Kyoya? Or maybe Dami-" 

You cut her off, placing a kiss on her lips, holding her hand, smiling. 

"Mami, I chose you." You say, smiling. Mami smiled, her kitsune ears twitching. She closed her eyes, and hugged you tight, her cheeks a bright red. "I never knew you liked me... Thank you." She said, in a quiet tone, kissing your head.

You smiled up at her, and placed one kiss on her cheek, and hugged her tight.

(Epilogue: You and Mami stayed with your mom, for a while. Your mom was chill. You didnt have any kids, but you did get a dog, and you named it Sasha. Wink wink. You stuck with her until the very end, and nothing could take that away.)

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