Chapter 15- What should I do!? Date with Ashley part 1

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(Ashley's POV)

I saw (Y/N) walk through the door, along with Kyoya at her side.

Kyoya did not look that great. His white hair was matted with blood, and his clothes were torn.

I looked over to (Y/n), who was unharmed. Shaken up, but unharmed.

Thank goodness too... If anyone had hurt (Y/n)...

I went up to them, Feeling my temple throb. "WHERE WERE YOU THIS WHOLE TIME!? YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!!!" (Y/n) had a sweat drop forming on her head. "Whoa whoa calm down ashhole. Where we went is none of your business!" (Y/n) said, crossing her arms.

"Uh... Guys?.."

"Well, what if you somehow got bitten by a vampire, and got turned? Or if KYOYA got bitten?"

"Ashley! That would never happen!" She said, smirking. "Besides, im not that tastey."

"Hello?.. Bloody cat here..." Kyoya said, his ears flat.

Both me and (Y/n) turned to face him, laughing nervously, as sweat drops formed on our foreheads. "Uh... Sorry. Why dont you get this kitty to the tub." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

(Y/n) nodded, And walked Kyoya out of the room.

I paced back and forth, thinking hard. "Come on Ash... (Y/n) has been your friend for so long..." I sighed. sitting down on the couch, putting my hands together, laying my head down on them.

(Your pov)

"Kyoya! Quit whining and get in the tub!" You say, crossing your arms. You were trying to get Kyoya into the tub, but he was shaking his head, and moving all around. (I bet you your seeing this as an anime moment XD Because I am)

"BUT ITS COLD! And my hair will get wet! And..." He stops midway, as you slip off your shirt,well you gesture that you are going to, putting on your best shy impression. "Maybe I should get in too..."

At that, Kyoya pushes you out of the bathroom, and closes the door.

You laugh slightly, rolling your eyes.

You lay back on the bed. Kyoya may have been covered in blood, but you were just fine! Oddly enough.

You kay back, closing your eyes, when...

You feel a sudden splash on you. You blink, your eyes widening. Right before you, there was Len Chase. He held a bucket in his hand, and he was trying to hide his laughter. "Ha! I got you this time!!" He laughed. You looked down, to find water on you. "Ugh... Len..."

"Yeeeeessss?" He went towards you, smirking, his green eyes gleaming.

You bopped him on the head, letting out a frustrated sigh. "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!" You yell, your (h/c) hair drying instantly, because your head is as red and hot as a tomato.

Len blinked, his eyes wide. "Uh oh..." He mumbled, and with that, he ran off, you chasing after him. You were so mad,

you could barely feel your legs. You ran, and ran, and ran. "LEN DOUGLAS CHASE!! YOU! ARE! Whoa..." You stopped, blinking. You looked at Ashley, whom was in his room, thinking. He moved back and forth, his black hair covering his face. "What about... No, too hot. Oh wait, then there's... noo, that wont work either. I would need a chainsaw..."

You step into his room, knocking lightly at his door. "Hello? Lady of honor coming in~" You say, laughing.

Ashley's eyes widened, as he quickly looked at you, his eyes wide. "Oh! (Y-Y/n)! Hiiii!" He laughed nervously, putting his hands behind his head.

" Hi. So, what's up? Whatchu up to?" You ask casually, tilting your head. "Oh nothing, nothing, just thinking." Ashley said, laying on his bed.

You sit next to him, looking into his eyes. "Ash, what's going on? What are you thinking of exactly?" You asked.

(Ashley's POV)

"What are you thinking of exactly?" She asked me, putting her hand on mine.

I swear, I felt my heart jump. Something about (y/n) melts my walls...

Is this love?..

What's worse is that I cant think of where to bring her... What to do for her... How to show her I care.

"Er... Chocolate bunnies."

"Chocolate bunnies?.."

"Yeah!" I say, feeling a sweat drop on my head. "Look, I cant say. Okay?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, getting up. "Well, enjoy those chocolate bunnies." I heard her say, and with that, she got up, walking away.

Ugh... I'm so stumped... What do I do!? Help!!

(And thats that. You heard the boy, help! Message me your ideas. >.< halpppppp. DX But for now, uh, until then... Nya~)

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