Chapter 13- Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty... Date with Kyoya part 2

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You wake up hearing... Purring?

You turn your head slightly, to see Kyoya, holding onto you, his eyes closed. He was asleep, and he was purring! 

You cant help but giggle quietly, and you get up from your place, quietly, careful not to wake Kyoya up. 

You went to the bathroom, showered, got dressed, ate, and went to grab your phone. 

You checked the time, to see why the house was so dark.

1:12 am...

You end up falling to the ground, a sweat drop forming on top of your head. 

Kyoya looks down at you, a smirk on his face. "Good morning sunshine." He said, in a sarcastic tone. You get up, crossing your arms. "HEY!! That is not cool!! You could've told me it was still morning!!" You puff, glaring. 

Kyoya couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head. "But its so fun to see you like this! Besides, I have something in mind..." He says, getting a dark aura around him, his eyes gleaming. 

You roll your eyes, sitting up, and rolling your eyes. "Ugh. What now.." You mumble, getting up. "Im gonna get you for this..." You mumble quietly, as he smirks, grabbing your hand. 

"(Y/n), follow me. I want to take you somewhere..." He says, and he begins to head off. Still holding your hand.

It was rather beautiful that night. There was not a cloud in the sky, the stars were shining, and there was a full moon outside. 

You smiled, as Kyoya looked at you. "What is it?" He asked, blinking. You turn to him, raising an eyebrow. "What is what?" 

"You seem so... Calm. Usually you bustle around, and are on edge. But this time, you are relaxed, and just..." He blinked, looking into your (e/c) orbs. You blushed, turning away. "Well... I dont know what it is. But for some reason I tend to get calmer at night. It is really beautiful... It makes me feel so..."

"Aroused?" Kyoya asks, smirking. He tilted his head, smirking. You lightly hit him, laughing. "No you purv!" You say, rolling your tongue on purv. 

He smirked once more, his ears glistening. "Well, if im a purv, then you are an angel." He said, in a smooth tone, lifting your chin, so you could see his bright blue eyes. 

"K...Kyoya... I-" You were both interrupted, when you heard a low growl, and a loud whine. Your eyes widened, and so did Kyoya's. 

"So... You heard that too..." You say, and Kyoya looks at you with an unamused face. "Im a cat, remember? I can hear pretty good!" He said, then his entire face changed. Serious face. "(Y/n). Go home."

"What!?" You said, your eyes wide. Why would he abandon you like that? Kyoya grabbed  a hold of your shoulders, and closed his eyes, leaning his forehead on your head, making your cheeks turn a bright red. "(Y/n), your just a human. What that sound was did not sound human to me. I can fight it off easy." He said, in a soft tone. "Go home."

"But what if something happens to you?" You ask, holding his hand. Kyoya moved his hair out of his face, a proud smile was on his face. "Dont worry about me. Besides, Im a cat!" He says, putting his hands on his hips. Acting like a superhero. 

You look at him, then nod, but not before kissing his cheek. "Be careful Kyoya... But I will be right back!! With Chasidy!" You say, and with that, you run off.

(Kyoya's POV)

Smart girl. 

Chasidy is a medic... Or at least, she is training. 

I run towards the sound, holding my head low, and being super quiet. 

I stopped, at the sight before me. 

It was a girl, that looked around (Y/n)'s age. Her short blonde hair was in a very sloppy ponytail, and her clothes looked tattered. I couldn't see her eyes however, because she had thick rimmed glasses. 


She was in pain!

I ran to her side, and knealed by her. "Are you alright?" 

She quickly looked at me, her eyes now a dark crimson. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!" She screamed, and she flung me back into a wall. 

Of course, after that, I landed on  my feet. 

I shook my head, and ran to her again. 

But this time, I saw something I didn't notice before...

But this time, I saw something I didn't notice before

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A mark. 

This girl was no ordinary girl...

She was a werewolf. 

The girl bent down, clenching her fists together. Her body beginning to form here and there. 

I dont know what the hell I was thinking, but I stayed. I wanted to see if this was a dream or not.

Sadly, it wasn't.

Her whole body grew cream colored fur, her clothes were somehow still on, but her fur made some huge tatters here and there. Her crimson eyes were now wider, and looked... Vicious. Her body began to get shorter, but longer, if that even makes sense. A tail formed on her, and her nose turned into a snout. 

She looked at me, as if he were hungry... 

Soon, I was face to face with a full fledged werewolf!!!

And It doesn't look like it wants to be my friend...

(And thats that! XD CLIFFHANGER MF!!!
Anyway. ^_^* 
Recognize the character here? If you dont thats fine. I never explored her. o_0 But yeah. Next time, prepare for a real fight! >:3
Until next time, Nya~)

((Btw... Anyone get the openings for either of the last 2 chapters?))

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