Chapter 7- The battle for you

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*WARNING! INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE HERE! Reader discretion is advised*

(Ashley's pov)

Before me, stood the infamous Kyoya Shiro. I am quite surprised that he made it here, to earth. I mean, yes, I knew Damien made it...

But I would've never thought that Kyoya would ever make it!

He glared at me, with dark blue eyes, and his white tail was puffed out.

Ha, scaredy cat.

"Back off fur brain. I saw her first, so she is mine!" I growl, feeling my wolf ears popping out from my hair. Kyoya smirked, raising an eyebrow. "You hurt her. You HAD her. But you let it all go away." He said, with a slight smirk.

When I looked over at (Y/N), I could see the fear in her eyes. She looked like... Well, a little kid! She was just backing up, whispering something I could not hear. I let out a sigh. "Look, I don't want to fight over someone. Lets just sit down and ta-"

However, I wasn't able to finish, as Kyoya landed a firm punch on my cheek, making me stumble back.

"...Your on." Kyoya smirked, his ears perking up. He almost let out a loud hiss, as he went on all 4's, a faint figure of a cat could be seen coming off of his body.

Wow, he really is serious. So of course, I did the same, and growled, well more like howled.

I was the first to attack, and I ran at Kyoya, my fangs ready for a nice... kitty meal.

(Your pov)

You watched, as the horrific battle unfolded before your eyes. Your new friend, against someone who you knew for a long time.

Kyoya and Ashley were at it. Kyoya was slashing at Ashley's face, leaving marks, making him bleed. But Ashley was growling, and biting back at Kyoya, gripping onto his arm, and biting hard, making Kyoya hiss, and meow.

You couldn't take this.

You had to stop this... but how?.. You had nowhere to go!

Well, that wasn't true.

You quickly grabbed your cellphone, and your bag, and you head out, running.

Both Ashley and Kyoya stop, and stare at you. They quickly get up, trying to grab you, but alas, they failed, and they began chase.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" You heard Ashley yell, but you completely disregard him, running even faster. You could barely feel your legs, you ran so fast. Thank god you were a fast runner, you thought in your head. "Ugh... Why does this happen to me?" You think in your head.

When you stop, you turn around, letting out heavy pants. You were now in a dark alley, well, darkish. A light overhead was the only thing that was lighting up the place.

You lean against the wall, letting out heavy breaths. "F...Frick... I... I hate... When this... happens..." You ruffle your (h/l) (h/c) hair, closing your eyes.

However, you then feel a sudden arm grab you, and tug you closer.

All you could see... no, SMELL was the stench of alcohol, and a very familiar voice said, with a quiet tone.

"Told you I would get you back..."

(Mami's pov)

"Sasha! You are being totally irrational!" I say to my half sister, letting out a laugh. We were going out on a walk, her black hair was in a ponytail, and she was wearing a headband. She wore a short skirt, along with a plain white tee.

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